~♦~The Wings of War~♦~ A Corvid Bird RP- Anyone can join!(Please read title post for more info!)

Crow Empire
"Who are you?" Asked Wild

Jay Volery

Dash landed on the edge of Violet's nest "How are you Violet?" he asked

Magpie Tiding

Click flew around the trees, happy to be himself.

Narnia shapened her daggar, incase a suprise attack was launched
Jay Volery:

Violet sighed "I'm fine, just anxious. " She chirped

Magpie Tiding:

Tito sat on his perch in The Sycamore, waiting for Click and Petrichor, the other two council members.
Tamara looked at the crow. He didn't seem to much that she couldn't handle him herself, but she would still be cautious. She pulled her shortsword out spoke,"Who are you?"
Corvo whirled around at her voice, how had he not noticed? Now he would go back to prison for a crime that he didn't commit. He soon realized that it wasn't actually the Royal Guard, but a magpie "My name is C-" He stopped himself, realizing his mistake in almost giving away his real name "My name is...Oak, yeah my name is Oak." Ge cawed, hoping the magpie didn't pry more. "Who are you?" He asked in return.
Crow went own to the cellar

"Dimmet! I would like to speak with you." He said while unlocking him from his cell "Don't you try and kill me, for I have a proposition I know that you don't want t o be stuck in this cell so I am going to give you a few questions to answer and if you truly answer them without thinking of trying to trick me, then I shall perhaps allow you to be with me locked up right beside me, so I may watch your actions and you will have someone to talk to…. Right this way please"

Crow flew to his perch
Crow went down to the cellar 

"Dimmet! I would like to speak with you." He said while unlocking him from his cell "Don't you try and kill me, for I have a proposition I know that you don't want t o be stuck in this cell so I am going to give you a few questions to answer and if you truly answer them without thinking of trying to trick me, then I shall perhaps allow you to be with me locked up right beside me, so I may watch your actions and you will have someone to talk to…. Right this way please" 

Crow flew to his perch

Dimmet was surprised when Crow let him out, and followed him without question. He may be rude and ill tempered, but he wasn't stupid, far from it, and if there was any chance that someone might listen to him when he told them he wasn't allied with The Raven Tribe, he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity by smart-beaking this crow, or attacking him, even though as a raven he was larger, and could probably overpower him.
Corvo whirled around at her voice, how had he not noticed? Now he would go back to prison for a crime that he didn't commit. He soon realized that it wasn't actually the Royal Guard, but a magpie "My name is C-" He stopped himself, realizing his mistake in almost giving away his real name "My name is...Oak, yeah my name is Oak." Ge cawed, hoping the magpie didn't pry more. "Who are you?" He asked in return.

Tamara tilted her head slightly. He didn't seem to confident on what his name was but she shrugged it off for now and replied,"My name is Tamara." She never really saw many loners and wondered if maybe he was part of a kingdom or maybe just lost. She questioned him,"Are you part of the Crow empire or are you just a loner?"
"So?! I'm in here for no reason, I didn't do anything wrong and I'm going to spend the rest of my life stuck in this stinking cell! How's that for an answer to your 'so'?! Dimmet replied with a poisonous glare, his anger now directed at her.

(Hey WildW, do you think you could write a bit more in your replies? Maybe mention how her tone is, or explain a movement she makes? I even had to explain where she was, and It's difficult to reply to ""So?" Wild asked" if I have no clue if she is saying it in a rude way, or with more of a placid manner. I don't need much, and you don't have to do it if you don't want to, but it would make it easier, so I don't have to guess at her actions.)
Wild sniffled and said very small voice "oh, sorry for asking." and walked off to a corner of her cell.
Tamara tilted her head slightly. He didn't seem to confident on what his name was but she shrugged it off for now and replied,"My name is Tamara." She never really saw many loners and wondered if maybe he was part of a kingdom or maybe just lost. She questioned him,"Are you part of the Crow empire or are you just a loner?"
Corvo looked at her "I'm a loner, always have been." He lied, And you always will be... He thought sadly to himself, but shook it off "What about you?" He asked.

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