~♦~The Wings of War~♦~ A Corvid Bird RP- Anyone can join!(Please read title post for more info!)

(Oh oh! I know! I know!)

Topaz's wings fluttered as she shook herself, nearly falling from her perch on a twig. She stretched out her neck with a large yawn, shook herself again, the cocked her head as she heard a conversation. She heard the crow's hesitation when asked his name. The rest of the conversation was mostly uninteresting, except for the bit about how he'd always been a loner. That seemed unnecessary to her. Perhaps it normally wouldn't, but not with the bit about his name. She saw Tamara fly into her perch. Apparently that magpie was having the same idea as her.

She flitted down towards Oak, landing lightly on a tree ahead of him.
Corvo flew low to the sword and dagger in their respectable holsters, he hadn't noticed Topaz, or the fact that he was also being followed by Tamara.
Nice weapons. Topaz fixed a bright black eye on the crow.

Tamara watched him from her perch, but occasionally would glance around to look for any potential dangers.
Corvo flew through the treees, weaving through branches and such to avoid being taken out of the air by the foliage, he was in a hurry, he was heading somewhere that would help him in his quest to prove his innocence.
Corvo flew through the treees, weaving through branches and such to avoid being taken out of the air by the foliage, he was in a hurry, he was heading somewhere that would help him in his quest to prove his innocence.

Tamara took to the air again, following above him. It was rather difficult to pay attention to him and watch out for trees that would just pop it.
Tamara took to the air again, following above him. It was rather difficult to pay attention to him and watch out for trees that would just pop it.
Soon Corvo had left the Forest of Long Shadows and entered Capra Fields, he made extra care to hug the trees, he wanted to stay as inconspicous as possible, if he was going to reach his destination in one piece, he would have to keep a low profile. As he cruised slowly, voices could be heard up ahead, a patrol from the Great Oak, Corvo ducked behind a fallen birch tree, keeping out of sight. "Are you sure we have to patrol the entire fields?" One soldier asked "Yes, Cobalt told us to keep out a patrol every hour, you never know what theose nasty ravens could be up to, espiecialy now that Castrus is gone." The captain replied "Why do you think he did it? You know Corvo, how he killed him?" One soldier asked "I don't know, some corvids are just greedy I guess."The captain answered "Now let's hurry it up, the ravens could be on their way as we speak." He cawed, and they flew off. Corvo let out a relieved sigh, and kept flying.
Name: Damson
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Large Billed Crow
Personality: Gruff, but not rude, kind to most, and welcoming, but supicious of strangers, he is a great friend to have, but an even worse enemy, he's seen almost everything there is to see, and isn't impressed easily, he's kind of like that really cool older uncle.
Kingdom: Loner
Rank: Loner
Mate: None
Chicks: None that he's aware of
History: He was a good friend of Castrus and his family, seeing Corvo and Puck as his nephews, always around for them. But as their father grew more and more distant, their frienship eventually dissipated, and they had little contact from then on, he know lives in an abandoned eagle's nest in the Black Mountains.

Weapon of choice: a rather large mace
Username: The ChickenKing
Other(State if Citizen Soldier): He's a very large bird, hence him being able to carry his huge mace
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Soon Corvo had left the Forest of Long Shadows and entered Capra Fields, he made extra care to hug the trees, he wanted to stay as inconspicous as possible, if he was going to reach his destination in one piece, he would have to keep a low profile. As he cruised slowly, voices could be heard up ahead, a patrol from the Great Oak, Corvo ducked behind a fallen birch tree, keeping out of sight. "Are you sure we have to patrol the entire fields?" One soldier asked "Yes, Cobalt told us to keep out a patrol every hour, you never know what theose nasty ravens could be up to, espiecialy now that Castrus is gone." The captain replied "Why do you think he did it? You know Corvo, how he killed him?" One soldier asked "I don't know, some corvids are just greedy I guess."The captain answered "Now let's hurry it up, the ravens could be on their way as we speak." He cawed, and they flew off. Corvo let out a relieved sigh, and kept flying.

Tamara saw Corvo take cover and she flew a little higher out of sight, but she picked up on the soldiers conversation. So that's what happened in the crow empire. I didn't know that Castrus was killed. She looked back at where she saw last saw Corvo, but didn't see him. She flew down a bit a saw him flying ahead and quickly she beated her wings to catch up with him.
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Puck called for Cobalt, "Cobalt, please escort Dimmet to me, I need to question him.. But keep a very close watch"

(Whoever plays Cobalt, come on down to the prison, the big bird wants to talk with Dimmet! And this Crow guy seems suspect!)

Crow sat on his perch and asked him "Are you at anyway affiliated with the ravens??"

"Apart from being born there, no. As I've explained countless times, I didn't agree with them, so I left them," Dimmet replied, trying to keep his tone civil and respectful, but a note of the frustration and annoyance he felt at being asked this question, yet again, slipped in even so slightly.
(Whoever plays Cobalt, come on down to the prison, the big bird wants to talk with Dimmet! And this Crow guy seems suspect!)
"Apart from being born there, no. As I've explained countless times, I didn't agree with them, so I left them," Dimmet replied, trying to keep his tone civil and respectful, but a note of the frustration and annoyance he felt at being asked this question, yet again, slipped in even so slightly.
Wild made a ruckus to attract the guards, and winked at Dimmet to escape.

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