~♦~The Wings of War~♦~ A Corvid Bird RP- Anyone can join!(Please read title post for more info!)

Raven Tribe:

Brumal looked off into the distance, perched atop a jagged rock, hard faced and deep in thought.

"Brumal, come in, I have breakfast made." Cinereal called up to her mate from their home, watching him as the wind howled through the mountains.

Brumal looked over to her, then glanced out over the lands once more, then spread his wings and flew to Cinereal, landing a few feet away from her. "Thank you, Cine," he replied, and followed her inside.

Zenith watched from the door to their cave home as her father flew to her mothers side a few feet from the door, and moved from the door to the table as they entered the home. Nadir was already at the table, and he looked up as his father came in and joined him at the table.

Cinereal brought them each a wooden bowl of raw hash, made up of rabbit, some greens, and berries, and joined them at the table.

"Thank you, mother, this is very good," Zenith said truthfully after eating a piece of the hash.

"Yes, thank you Cine," Brumal said, then looked to Nadir expectantly.

Nadir looked up with a beakful of hash, and seeing his fathers expression, he swallowed the beakful and said, "I agree, it is very good, thanks."

Cinereal gave them a warm look, "it was nothing, I'm glad you all like it."

They finished their meal, chatting about this and that, but never approaching the subject of Dimmet, that is, until Zenith and Nadir had left...

... "I'm going to ask Gund, I'm not sure if he'll permit it, but it is worth a try." Brumal replied to Cinereal, looking forlorn.

Cinereal put her wing around his back, "It is, and I'm sure he will permit it, just, make sure it comes across the right way."

"I will," Brumal said and wrapped his wings around her, holding her for a moment, then released her, walking to the door and opening it, "hopefully, I'll be back with good news, see you then, Cine."

Cinereal gave him a caring look, "I'll be waiting, Brum." She replied just before he flew away, hoping that her mate would get the answer from Gund that they wanted.
Zenith watched from the door to their cave home as her father flew to her mothers side a few feet from the door, and moved from the door to the table as they entered the home. Nadir was already at the table, and he looked up as his father came in and joined him at the table.

Cinereal brought them each a wooden bowl of raw hash, made up of rabbit, some greens, and berries, and joined them at the table.

"Thank you, mother, this is very good," Zenith said truthfully after eating a piece of the hash.

"Yes, thank you Cine," Brumal said, then looked to Nadir expectantly.

Nadir looked up with a beakful of hash, and seeing his fathers expression, he swallowed the beakful and said, "I agree, it is very good, thanks."

Cinereal gave them a warm look, "it was nothing, I'm glad you all like it."

They finished their meal, chatting about this and that, but never approaching the subject of Dimmet, that is, until Zenith and Nadir had left...

... "I'm going to ask Gund, I'm not sure if he'll permit it, but it is worth a try." Brumal replied to Cinereal, looking forlorn.

Cinereal put her wing around his back, "It is, and I'm sure he will permit it, just, make sure it comes across the right way."

"I will," Brumal said and wrapped his wings around her, holding her for a moment, then released her, walking to the door and opening it, "hopefully, I'll be back with good news, see you then, Cine."

Cinereal gave him a caring look, "I'll be waiting, Brum." She replied just before he flew away, hoping that her mate would get the answer from Gund that they wanted.

Gund sat in his cave, brooding over his plans for domination. His dark eyes scanned the horizon, with the mountains ls size, he could see all the way to the Greenwood. With the Great Oak in his view, a malicious cackle of knowing what was to come grew in his throat. It died down when the flapping of wings could be heard coming into the cave. "Hello Brumal." He greeted his ever diligent general.

Dash returened with the seeds and tossed them to Violet.
"Thank you darling." She chirped pleasently.
(Whoever plays Cobalt, come on down to the prison, the big bird wants to talk with Dimmet! And this Crow guy seems suspect!)
"Apart from being born there, no. As I've explained countless times, I didn't agree with them, so I left them," Dimmet replied, trying to keep his tone civil and respectful, but a note of the frustration and annoyance he felt at being asked this question, yet again, slipped in even so slightly.

( Sorry, I didn't see that post :oops:)

Cobalt heard word of his need in the prison. He headed down swiftly hoping not to hear another prisoner escaped. When he arrived, he demanded,"What's going on?"
Corvo flew through the treees, weaving through branches and such to avoid being taken out of the air by the foliage, he was in a hurry, he was heading somewhere that would help him in his quest to prove his innocence.
Soon Corvo had left the Forest of Long Shadows and entered Capra Fields, he made extra care to hug the trees, he wanted to stay as inconspicous as possible, if he was going to reach his destination in one piece, he would have to keep a low profile. As he cruised slowly, voices could be heard up ahead, a patrol from the Great Oak, Corvo ducked behind a fallen birch tree, keeping out of sight. "Are you sure we have to patrol the entire fields?" One soldier asked "Yes, Cobalt told us to keep out a patrol every hour, you never know what theose nasty ravens could be up to, espiecialy now that Castrus is gone." The captain replied "Why do you think he did it? You know Corvo, how he killed him?" One soldier asked "I don't know, some corvids are just greedy I guess."The captain answered "Now let's hurry it up, the ravens could be on their way as we speak." He cawed, and they flew off. Corvo let out a relieved sigh, and kept flying.

Topaz, agile little bird well practiced in following as she was, found little difficulty in following the crow. Topaz cocked her head at the crow's relief. Escaped prisoner, perhaps? Hm. Didn't seem quite right – he didn't look the type. That was no guarantee, of course, but she usually could trust her intuition. She kept following him, noting his rush and tendency to duck for cover.
( Sorry, I didn't see that post

Cobalt heard word of his need in the prison. He headed down swiftly hoping not to hear another prisoner escaped. When he arrived, he demanded,"What's going on?"
Wild Cawed with all her might.
Topaz, agile little bird well practiced in following as she was, found little difficulty in following the crow. Topaz cocked her head at the crow's relief. Escaped prisoner, perhaps? Hm. Didn't seem quite right – he didn't look the type. That was no guarantee, of course, but she usually could trust her intuition. She kept following him, noting his rush and tendency to duck for cover.
Corvo flew close to the trees, but once they began to thin out, he was forced to fly in open air, staying by rocky outcrops when they were available. Eventually the Black Mountains came into sight Already halfway there... he thought to himself with satisfaction, at this pace, he should be able to make it to his destination by nightfall.
(By the way guys, I don't know if I said this already, but the female leader for the Crow Empire is now open once again.)
Corvo flew close to the trees, but once they began to thin out, he was forced to fly in open air, staying by rocky outcrops when they were available. Eventually the Black Mountains came into sight Already halfway there... he thought to himself with satisfaction, at this pace, he should be able to make it to his destination by nightfall.

Topaz gave small sigh. This was about to get difficult. Here goes…
Wild Cawed with all her might.

Cobalt cringed slightly by all the loud cawing. He pulled his sword and and pointed it towards Wild,"Silence!"

Corvo flew close to the trees, but once they began to thin out, he was forced to fly in open air, staying by rocky outcrops when they were available. Eventually the Black Mountains came into sight Already halfway there... he thought to himself with satisfaction, at this pace, he should be able to make it to his destination by nightfall.

Tamara caught up with him, but kept a good distance between them. As the trees started to disappear, she started to fly lower to the ground and sticking near anything that might help conceal her

(By the way guys, I don't know if I said this already, but the female leader for the Crow Empire is now open once again.)

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