~♦~The Wings of War~♦~ A Corvid Bird RP- Anyone can join!(Please read title post for more info!)

Gund sat in his cave, brooding over his plans for domination. His dark eyes scanned the horizon, with the mountains ls size, he could see all the way to the Greenwood. With the Great Oak in his view, a malicious cackle of knowing what was to come grew in his throat. It died down when the flapping of wings could be heard coming into the cave. "Hello Brumal." He greeted his ever diligent general.

"Hello Gund," Brumal replied, respectfully bowing his head as he spoke. He walked to the Raven leader and said, "I have another addition to the strategy we discussed this past week," The strategy had been to send a small number of their fastest fliers to the opposite side of the Crow Empire, to make a diversion that would allow the main force to attack from the near side.
"Hello Gund," Brumal replied, respectfully bowing his head as he spoke. He walked to the Raven leader and said, "I have another addition to the strategy we discussed this past week," The strategy had been to send a small number of their fastest fliers to the opposite side of the Crow Empire, to make a diversion that would allow the main force to attack from the near side.
Gund looked at his general, what did he have in mind? "Go on." He replied
Cobalt heard word of his need in the prison. He headed down swiftly hoping not to hear another prisoner escaped. When he arrived, he demanded,"What's going on?"

"Ah," Dimmet said and lifted his wing to point at Crow.

Wild Cawed with all her might.

Dimmet looked up sharply as she started cawing, he wanted to fly, to escape. But he didn't know his way out of the prison, he had been nocked out when he tried to fight his way free from the crows, and he had woken up in the cell he still resided in.

Cobalt cringed slightly by all the loud cawing. He pulled his sword and and pointed it towards Wild,"Silence!"

"Sir, excuse me," Dimmet said, "May I ask why you are here?" He was trying to get his attention off of Wild, she was trying to help him escape, and he didn't want her to get punished for it, he wasn't completely heartless...
Gund looked at his general, what did he have in mind? "Go on." He replied

"I would like to send out a small scouting party, to survey what the best route would be so we have a more in depth plan," Brumal explained, it was a request that wasn't out of the ordinary, apart from what he was about to say, "But I would request that I personally accompany them on this mission."
"I would like to send out a small scouting party, to survey what the best route would be so we have a more in depth plan," Brumal explained, it was a request that wasn't out of the ordinary, apart from what he was about to say, "But I would request that I personally accompany them on this mission."
Gund looked at him for s second "Alright, good idea." He replied "You can leave at noon." Gund added
Cobalt cringed slightly by all the loud cawing. He pulled his sword and and pointed it towards Wild,"Silence!"
Tamara caught up with him, but kept a good distance between them. As the trees started to disappear, she started to fly lower to the ground and sticking near anything that might help conceal her
"I won't be silenced!" said Wild trumphantly and then winked at Dimmet to escape

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