➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

My parents have a Cockapoo/Dachshund that grew up with my Bengal cat for the first year of her life. She's 12 now and she still acts like a cat. She grabs stuff with her paws and is a really picky eater.
Of course, that cat thought he was a dog. He played fetch and came running to the door to greet me when I came home.
Ours gives high fives. He smacks the dogs and is on the butt like he’s saying good game. My pug hates him 😂 I love all animals they’re so funny and great therapy
I don't have any indoor animals anymore, bar the chicks that are just hatching. I have a 4 year old and a 1 year old and I don't really have the bandwidth to deal with animal mess inside the house. After we had my first, the dog we had brought a really nasty flea infestation into the house that took almost a year to get rid of (we don't bomb them as we don't want the toxins around). That really soured me on indoor pets. My kids will get plenty of exposure to animals outside.
Hi all :frow It's been a busy past few days. Tried spending as much family time with my son as I could. He arrived in boot camp last night. Well, kinda. They have them staying at a hotel outside of the base for a 14 day quarantine. We are officially empty nesters and it hasn't even sunk in yet. The eggs that I had Daisy sitting on were duds. :hmm I gave her 3 eggs that I know for sure are fertilized so we have started over. :fl
It's so fluffy I could die! (Dark Cornish/EE (I think splash or blue mother)). Hatching these in hopes of a few green egg layers + meaty cockerels.



But, but.... baby turkeys are hatching. I just came in the house, as I was passing the turkey hens, I heard one start baby talking. I was at least 20' away and she was already warning the babies about me.
Party time at Crazy's house with no kids home party time.
Not apron party time.
We were leaving one day to go in to town for something and as we were coming up our driveway we ran across a wild turkey hen and her babies. Pic isn’t the best but all I have is my phone. We ended up turning out to the road and slowly tried to shoo them back to the grass area by our driveway. The last thing I wanted was for someone to come flying down the road and the little ones get hit. I did not realize that the baby poults can fly like they did. Holy crap they flew up into one of the trees on the other side of my driveway. Had to be 10 foot up in the air. I wish I was recording at that time and caught it on video. it was pretty cool!


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