1 1/2 year old duck...male or female???

Problem hatches

In the Brooder
May 9, 2015
Hi everyone, I am quite the bird expert when it comes to my chickens and ducks...unfortunately I'm at a road block. So I have two mallards male and female...an ancona male...and two Pekin ducks, one of which I am positive is female because of her quack and sitting on her eggs lol. My other pekin I am stumped....it quacks like a female, but has a drake feather, does not mate with the others and does not lay eggs, is it possible to have a drake with a female quack? I don't know!

Not a very good pic, I can take a better one tomorrow. Why would he quack loud like a female and not raspy is what I'd like to know lol
I can't see the tail so I can't make any guesses. I use my phone so it might be different for PC, but if you go to the forums page and scroll down there's an "other backyard birds" heading. Directly underneath that it says ducks.
I'm not seeing a definitive drake feather. But it may be because it's so white that I can't make it out in the pic. Are you sure it's not laying? Are there any hiding spots it can get to where it may be secretly laying? Under bushes, under deck, in a tire, etc.
I scan through the whole entire coop and the whole yard every single day so I know it's not laying. Why doesn't it mate ever? It's over a year old and hasnt done anything. I mean, if it doesn't end up ever laying it's still our pet lol. Just was wondering. I've had ducks and chickens hide their eggs from me and start sitting so I know what kind of places to look for lol....and yes it's not a definite drake feather, the tail does curl up a little bit almost like it's starting to form one. I donut know, maybe it's monogamous lol and hasn't found the right one haha

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