1.5 year old Coturnix Quail with Vent Prolapse - Help needed


Apr 30, 2022
About an hour or so ago I noticed my sweet 1.5 year old coturnix quail hen had a vent prolapse.
It's protruding at least an inch. It looks a lot like a tube.
I have been soaking her in warm water for about 20 mins now. I'm not sure what to do.
Any help is greatly appreciated. She is showing little signs of pain but I'm very worried about her survival.
If you have hydrocortisone cream or hemorrhipoid cream you may apply some. Or put honey, a paste made of sugar and drops of water, or any mold cream on the prolapse. Some of those may bring down swelling, and allow it to go back inside. Just keep that tissue from drying out. Keep it clean, and let us know if she can poop. @Wyorp Rock knows a bit an about quail. Would you recommend 1/4 tablet of human calcium with vitamin d for a quail? Calcium is used in chickens to help muscle contractions.
If you have hydrocortisone cream or hemorrhipoid cream you may apply some. Or put honey, a paste made of sugar and drops of water, or any mold cream on the prolapse. Some of those may bring down swelling, and allow it to go back inside. Just keep that tissue from drying out. Keep it clean, and let us know if she can poop. @Wyorp Rock knows a bit an about quail. Would you recommend 1/4 tablet of human calcium with vitamin d for a quail? Calcium is used in chickens to help muscle contractions.
OK. Will honey stop it from drying out? About 10 mins ago I took her out of the water and in a dry cage with no bedding so she wouldn't cut herself.
Yes, honey will lubricate it and keep it moist, but needs to be reapplied when needed.
Thank you, about an hour ago I applied honey to her prolapse.
Q-tips are getting picked up for my girl.
How often do you think I should apply honey?
If her prolapse doesn't go back in by later tonight, will honey work to keep it moist till the morning?
Thank you for your time.
If you have hydrocortisone cream or hemorrhipoid cream you may apply some. Or put honey, a paste made of sugar and drops of water, or any mold cream on the prolapse. Some of those may bring down swelling, and allow it to go back inside. Just keep that tissue from drying out. Keep it clean, and let us know if she can poop. @Wyorp Rock knows a bit an about quail. Would you recommend 1/4 tablet of human calcium with vitamin d for a quail? Calcium is used in chickens to help muscle contractions.
Yes, I would give extra Calcium. 1/4 to 1/2 tablet daily will be fine.

@NinjaGamer2022 do you have photos of her and the prolapse?

Follow the instructions that @Eggcessive gave you, very good advice.

Do you think she has an egg stuck, can she poop?
I'm very sorry for the late response. Last night I coated her prolapse with honey.
When I got some Q-tips, I put on gloves and carefully wet a Q-tip and pushed her prolapse back in VERY CAREFULLY and then I put my finger over her vent to keep it in.
I held my finger there for at least 15 mins. Then I put her away, as I put her away, she prolapsed again. Later that night before I went to bed, I again carefully push her prolapse back in. Then I re-covered her cage with a black shirt (not fully covered so she could breath).

So far today she has NOT prolapsed again! Yesterday she was having trouble defecating, but she went a lot today. I have given her a bit of food and water and covered her cage again.
So far she hasn't layed again. I pray she won't prolapse again.
The area around her vent does look a bit swollen, not the vent itself though.
Is there anything else I should do for her? She is right now in a cage in my bedroom away from other quail.

Thank you @Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive for you time and help, I am very grateful!
It is good that you got the prolapse back in, and so far it is staying, and she is pooping. But the swelling could be an egg coming, and she could prolapse again. It might just be swelling. If it does happen again, you can repeat the calcium.
I'm very sorry for the late response. Last night I coated her prolapse with honey.
When I got some Q-tips, I put on gloves and carefully wet a Q-tip and pushed her prolapse back in VERY CAREFULLY and then I put my finger over her vent to keep it in.
I held my finger there for at least 15 mins. Then I put her away, as I put her away, she prolapsed again. Later that night before I went to bed, I again carefully push her prolapse back in. Then I re-covered her cage with a black shirt (not fully covered so she could breath).

So far today she has NOT prolapsed again! Yesterday she was having trouble defecating, but she went a lot today. I have given her a bit of food and water and covered her cage again.
So far she hasn't layed again. I pray she won't prolapse again.
The area around her vent does look a bit swollen, not the vent itself though.
Is there anything else I should do for her? She is right now in a cage in my bedroom away from other quail.

Thank you @Wyorp Rock and @Eggcessive for you time and help, I am very grateful!
I'm glad you were able to get the prolapse to stay in.
I agree with @Eggcessive that she may prolapse when she lays another egg, so watch for that.

I'd still give her extra calcium for a few days to help with retention and hopefully if there's another egg coming, she won't have problems.

I've found my Quail will readily eat the Calcium tablet if you crush it into small pieces about the size of their crumble.

Do you give your girls oyster shell or a calcium supplement? Mine do o.k. without oyster shell, but I do crush up a few Calcium tablets about every 2-3 weeks and sprinkle it on their feed. I probably should just sift out some small pieces of oyster shell that I use for the chickens and put that in their areas...

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