1 and 2 day old chicks dying


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 4, 2009
I have had 2 chicks die already and I have one that does not look to good. She is breathing really fast compared to the other two I still have left. Here is some background: I received 12 eggs by mail order that I incubated. The eggs took 3 days to get to me and it was rather warm. My electricity went out on days 3 and 4, but I don't know for how long since I was at work when it happened. I really wasn't hopeful about the hatch, but I keep them in the incubator anyway. The chicks did not start hatching until day 23. I had 3 hatch that day and then the other 2 hatched on day 24. When the last two were pipping it appeared that some of the egg yoke came out of a crack on the opposite end of the egg. I have never seen that happen before. That probably had something to do with 2 of them dying. So at this point I have 3 left. Two of them look pretty good, but the 3rd one is breathing fast and looks weak. I fed her a little karo syrup and some exact hand feeding bird formula. I hope that helps. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Could the fact that they stayed in the shell so long be why they are weak? Could they have some terrible disease they got from their mother? I've never bought any eggs from something, so I didn't know if there are other things I should be concerned about. Thanks for your input.

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