1 in 3 eggs have cracks in them...


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 14, 2013
So, my girls started laying and I am getting 2-3 eggs a day but I am concerned at the number of cracked shells. None have been completely broken and the membrane has been in tact but I am wondering if there is something I should be doing to prevent these small cracks.

They are eating a layer pellet and I keep some oyster shell available to them. The shells are thick, much thicker than grocery store eggs.

Does anyone know why this is happening?
I'm guessing it's because they are just starting to lay....things should get better...expect some soft or wrinkly but hard shells from time to time also
I have several nesting boxes set up but they seem to prefer the floor for laying. I keep about 3 inches of wood shavings on every flat surface and have been using plastic eggs to encourage them to use the boxes, but they really like one corner of the coop.

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