1 injured hen + 1 protective broody + new chicks + existing flock...!?

Suburban Sprouts

9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
St. Louis, MO
I've had my flock of chickens for a little over two years. I have integrated new chicks into my flock before (it wasn't fun, but ultimately everything worked out) but this is my first time with having a broody hen in the mix (plus an inujured hen, but I'll get to that in a minute...).

Currently, my silkie "Marie Antionette" and her 5 adopted babies are at my parents' house enjoying having free reign over their own space while they grow. The chicks are 4 weeks old now and I was planning on integrating them this weekend while I can be around.

On Sunday night, a dog got ahold of one of my escape-artist hens and tore her neck up a bit. She's all stitched up now and recovering, but it has definitely added another layer to the whole situation. I was told to keep her separate from the rest of the flock for a few days, so I took HER over to where the broody and her babies are and Marie Antionette immediately started attacking the injured hen (who is generally the alpha of my flock).

This has caused me some added anxieties... HOW should I, over the next week or few weeks, integrate an injured hen with stitches on her neck and missing feathers, as well as 5 chicks and a very protective broody? The vet told me that I shouldn't wait too long to re-integrate the injured hen as it might make it more difficult than if I can bring her home while all the hens still recognize her and remember her status.

One limitation that I have is limited space, making it very difficult to section off part of my chicken yard to keep the broody and her babies separate but still able to see the rest of the flock (and visa versa).

Any advice on ANY part of my situation/problem would be much appreciated!

I'd put the injured hen back and watch to see the others leave the injuries alone. If she was the top hen she should be alright. The broody sounds as if she would have protected the chicks from the flock if you had left them together. She still might, but after the separation she will have to remake a place in the pecking order for herself as well. How about a temporary area for the new brood outside the existing yard? You may have to keep it. till the chicks are nearly full grown. Mom may want to wean them before you can integrate them.
I need some expert advice. I have an injured hen I have tried to reintegrate twice. Today, after just one night (that went well) and one morning, she was attacked again. I put her in a crate in the coop at night. She runs inside the secure fence during the day. The other hens and one rooster are outside the fence. I feed them together so they can "bond". I sat with the whole flock for hours last night and thought everything was fine. This evening I went to check on her and she was beat up again,

Should I keep her confined longer than one week to heal? Should I bathe her to be sure there is no blood smell before putting her back? She's really a neat hen and I hate to try to find another home, but I don't want to put her in danger again. Any ideas?
Long time for your first post.
Confine her like you did before. After she heals. You could try letting them run together for a few hours a day for a while. If she has the room to get away during the day working up to a full day, after a while they should get to accept her and may just let her roost with the flock again. With two attempts already it could be a tough sell.
I was afraid of that. Today, she's not eating, not sure if she's drinking. She's just staying inside her crate, inside the secured run. The rest of the flock are free-ranging and can't get to her, but they can see her. I tried yogurt, shrimp, pasta, etc., etc. Thanks for your help.

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