1 lonely young hen getting 7 pullet friends


Jun 6, 2020
NW Washington state, USA
I have a 16 mo. old Barred Rock hen. I'm picking up the 7 point of lay pullets next week. Bandia has home turf advantage, while the 7 pullets have numbers and acquaintance with each other.
They're all different breeds: Sapphire Gem, bearded Ameraucana, Cuckoo Marans, Welsummer, Sicilian Buttercup, Black Laced Red Wyandotte and a Columbian Wyandotte.

My question is, I don't plan to heat the coop and I have the lights are on a timer that I keep in sync with the true daylight hours. So, will the point of lays put off laying until spring? I know some breeds lay during cold months & some don't. My hen has nearly stopped. I would rather they lay later, because I've read that it's healthier for them.
What challenges do I have to look forward to taking on POL pullets in mid autumn? I'm in NW Washington state and it's rainy & chilly. It seldom gets below freezing and snows a couple of times during the winter.
First, what a lovely group of girls! I had a Sicilian Buttercup, and although Mia was the most skittish hen, she was a beauty and my only white egg layer.

My belief, based only on my own hens including a Sapphire Gem, a Welsummer and a Wyandotte, among others, is that it's likely many of the girls won't lay until spring. Although my Gems lay sporadically through most of the winter, They were fall babies and I don't think they laid at all the first winter. And, I'm too lazy to find and check my record book -- sorry. The good news is, once they started laying they are pretty regular and produce nice, big eggs.

I hope Bandia enjoys the family you've gotten for and all goes well!
Huh? Please explain further.
As it's been raining hard non-stop for a couple of weeks (typical Pacific Northwest) the birds are indoors. I want them to experience natural day length so that they molt and back off from laying eggs. I'm finishing up their indoor playground to alleviate boredom from having to be inside so much.

Only time will tell.
May depend on how much the moving and integration stress affects them.
First, what a lovely group of girls! I had a Sicilian Buttercup, and although Mia was the most skittish hen, she was a beauty and my only white egg layer.

My belief, based only on my own hens including a Sapphire Gem, a Welsummer and a Wyandotte, among others, is that it's likely many of the girls won't lay until spring. Although my Gems lay sporadically through most of the winter, They were fall babies and I don't think they laid at all the first winter. And, I'm too lazy to find and check my record book -- sorry. The good news is, once they started laying they are pretty regular and produce nice, big eggs.

I hope Bandia enjoys the family you've gotten for and all goes well!
Thank you!!! I'm finishing up their indoor playground this weekend so they can better deal with having to be indoors so much because of PNW ☔! I'm also putting a living roof over the outdoor run.

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