1 week old Broiler chicks laying down, not eating or drinking

I had a baby chick who had the same problem as yours and died 2 days after. But doing that 2 days, it tried so hard to eat a tiny bit of food by itself:(. Unfortunately, it didn't make it...
I agree, as hard as we try to help such a tiny little thing, ultimately Mother Nature knows best. It is still so sad to try to help, but to feel so helpless when trying to figure out how to care for a sick chick. I feel a little more comforted knowing that the short time that she was here, she was loved, and thank God for these online forums to help each other out! Now it's time to give my love to the rest of the babies that I got
so sorry for your loss. I had the same thing way back when I raised dogs, lost some of the healthiest looking pups, they'd be born fat and nursing well, next day lethargic and despite tube feeding - they were gone. I got so depressed over each loss, I finally got out of raising them. Too painful.
I am sorry for your loss. We buried one of our babies last Sunday as well...out of 25 we only lost the 1 but we spent so much time nursing her we became attached and the kids are still crying. OK, I might be a little too...but we did everything we could for her and it just was not meant to be.

I am focusing on doing everything I can for the other 24 and ensuring they have the best chance they can to thrive...

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