1 week old crossbeak chick


Emu obsessed
Sep 8, 2022
Me and my mom were looking at our chicks today, just making sure that everyone's okay. But we realised that one of our polish chicks of 1 week 6 days (to be exact) has a crossed beak.
Now my mom is panicked, she's really upset over this because she doesn't want it to be on pain it's entire life, and that we may have to put it down, It's her favourite chick.
Any words of encouragement for my mom and general advice? :) I'm struggling because I'm pretty worried about this too, but she comes before my own feelings
I think it depends on each individual case, some birds can live with it, some birds can’t. And not all cases are super severe and some are awful. For now as said above give them a deeper bowl of food. When you get a chance can you post clearer pictures and a side view as well? Good luck.
Me and my mom were looking at our chicks today, just making sure that everyone's okay. But we realised that one of our polish chicks of 1 week 6 days (to be exact) has a crossed beak.
Now my mom is panicked, she's really upset over this because she doesn't want it to be on pain it's entire life, and that we may have to put it down, It's her favourite chick.
Any words of encouragement for my mom and general advice? :) I'm struggling because I'm pretty worried about this too, but she comes before my own feelings
I had a crossed beak, gave her special attention to be sure she was fed but she was found dead in the coop at about 2.5 mo.
I think it depends on each individual case, some birds can live with it, some birds can’t. And not all cases are super severe and some are awful. For now as said above give them a deeper bowl of food. When you get a chance can you post clearer pictures and a side view as well? Good luck.
Yes I'll try to get better pictures, I'm sorry about that! The chick wouldn't stay still and my camera wouldn't focus

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