1 week old silkie very lethargic


In the Brooder
Mar 7, 2023
Hi! I’m pretty new to chickens, I have five 10 week old milies and five 6 week old silkie and cochins. I just got 3 paint silkies from a local farm 2 weeks ago and I lost 1 last week over night for no apparent reason and so I got another from him so they weren’t lonely just the two of them and now the new one is acting strange. She’s 1 week old, has been eating and drinking and pooping. She had a little bit of a pasty butt, I’ve cleaned it probably 3 times in the week I’ve had her.
shes been on hydrohen electrolites and probiotic water and I’ve given them a small dose of b12 mixed in their water. I alternate special water and then regular water.
she been cheeping loudly and just standing in the middle of the brooder under her heat plate. Now she’s very sleepy and not really eating. I’ve been giving her special water via syring, just putting drops on the side of her beak and having her drink it. I’ve also tried raw egg yolk.. she just doesnt seem to be perking up.
Im at a loss and I’m so scared I’m going to lose another.. does anyone have any suggestions?
she has a heat plate that maintains 90-95°.. I don’t really know what else I should be doing.. I felt like I had a good grasp of things with the other 10 and no losses but now I’m second guessing myself.
ugh, help..
Photos of the chick, her poop and the brooder?

Is she with the other older chicks?

You can try grinding the feed up smaller or offering her a wet mash. Work on hydration like you've been doing.
Photos of the chick, her poop and the brooder?

Is she with the other older chicks?

You can try grinding the feed up smaller or offering her a wet mash. Work on hydration like you've been doing.
Sadly we lost her around 10 last night.. I’m not sure what went wrong. She was inside in a brooder box with 2 other silkie chicks just a few days older than her. Her poop was normal, no blood and the farmer we got her from said he always gives a dose of corid at hatch.. plus she was on medicated feed while I had her.

That’s two I’ve lost from him, they both came home with pasty butt but I cleaned them and monitored it as I was putting them in the brooder.. I don’t know if that has anything to do with why I’m losing them but I have two others (2weeks) from him that seem healthy-they didn’t have pasty butt. I don’t know..

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