10 day old chick lethargic with stringy diarrhea


5 Years
May 25, 2014
southeastern Arizona
Late this afternoon I noticed that one of 14 ten day old chicks was lethargic and has stringy yellowish diarrhea. The other chicks are active and seem fine. I have added unfiltered apple cider vinegar to the waterer and got the chick to drink. I got to the Tractor Supply Co. and bought packets of Save-A-Chick Probiotic and Electrolytes. I mixed these into gallon of water per the directions and put a second waterer to the brooder box. I got the chick to drink the solution a couple times.

Five days ago I added a tray of "clean" dirt and a dish of parakeet grit as I have with previous chicks.

I cannot set up a second brooder to separate the chick until I get home from work tomorrow afternoon. I will have about half an hour very early tomorrow morning before I leave for work. Any suggestions for then or for when I get back home?
The chick died this morning after I went to work and before my husband checked on the chickens. I will clean the brooder when I get home and continue the probiotics, electrolytes, and UF/ACV. Allthe other chicks seem fine so far.
The chick died this morning after I went to work and before my husband checked on the chickens. I will clean the brooder when I get home and continue the probiotics, electrolytes, and UF/ACV. Allthe other chicks seem fine so far.
I'm too new to be of any help, but I'm sorry for your loss.
I would get some Corid and just go ahead and run a course of treatment for coccidiosis. It's just about the most common thing for chicks this age to come down with, the symptoms are pretty classic and if one had it others may come down with it as well. When you do the treatment stop all the other stuff, probiotic's, electrolytes etc. When they are done with the 5 day course of treatment you can give some probiotic's.
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I would get some Corid and just go ahead and run a course of treatment for coccidiosis. It's just about the most common thing for chicks this age to come down with, the symptoms are pretty classic and if one had it others may come down with it as well.  When you do the treatment stop all the other stuff, probiotic's, electrolytes etc.  When they are done with the 5 day course of treatment you can give some probiotic's.

The feed store near work carries Ampro; I bought a package and started treatment. Most of the chicks are active and eating and drinking well. The smallest Silkie is quiet but moves quickly if my hand gets near. I did see that one deposit a normal looking poo. The remaining BR pullet is less active than the NH pullets but that may be due to the NH pullets growing faster. At least one NH pullet has already flown to the top of the waterer. One of the NH pullets seemed to have watery poo on her rear when I was checking each as I moved them back to the brooder after cleaning but I could not identify which one a few hours later.

I am using a dosage of a little over a 1/4 teaspoon per quart jar waterer. I plan to increase that to 1/2 teaspoon if I see more symptoms. I based that on info on the package for 50 gallons and it seems close to what I found on another thread. Hopefully I did the right calculations.
The thirteen chicks are 18 days old today and have had medicated water for a week. All the chicks are growing and doing well. I built them a larger brooder and moved them into it a couple days ago. Today I once again added a bowl of "clean" dirt to their brooder. I will continue with the medicated water for the course stated on the package.

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