+10 Lemon Cuckoo Orp Eggs. Auction! Ends Sep. 5, hens Laying Like Crazy!


9 Years
Nov 27, 2010
Moreno Valley Ca
Okay, so I know i'v been putting up a lot of auctions but I have a lot of chicks and the hens are laying like CRAZY! I'm offering 12+ hatching lemon cuckoo orpingtion eggs! This is an AUCTION type listing bids will be placed in the comment box. BID STARTS AT $10!!!!!! I have 6 hens and 1 roo. Fertility has been wonderful! Around 95-100% So far, ALL the chicks I have hatched have the Beautiful baring, not just carry the gene!

Shipping is 12.00 priority flat rate box. I bubble rap each egg individually and place shredded newspaper in the box along with bulbble rap on the sides. I am also beginning to use thick cotton to hold the eggs in place. I WILL ALWAYS INCLUDE EXTRA EGGS!! However when the eggs leave my hands I have no control on how they are handled. I do write "Fragile" "Handle w/ Care" "Perishable" On the box.

Payment: payment will be paid through paypal within 48hrs of ending. (unless a reasonable excuse)

Paypal: [email protected] (farmboy241)

Ends August 10TH 9:30 pm pacific time

Good Luck!
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I bid $10

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