10 month old Roo with brand new baby chicks


In the Brooder
Jun 14, 2019
I'm a bit concerned about my 10 month old Roo and our NEW BABIES!!! (excitement and concern under the same breath!!!)
He hasn't shown any aggression with the chicks though is one of the youngest we have of our flock so he doesn't have any experience with chicks. He's curious to see and listen.
I have the 5 Chicks in a porta-crib in my off-building/office in my back yard. My chickens come in as they please, jump on my desk while I'm working to make a mess of it all. He came in this evening, jumped onto the side of the porta crib and just looked. Didn't lean in. No noise. Just looked at the babies for a minute, maybe, turned and saw me and jumped down to get love from me. (If you read my concern about him a couple months ago, all has changed after following advise given on this page. He's a daddies boy now)
Back to it... Would you be concerned? I'm trying to watch everybody, including the hens but none seam too concerned. No pecking through the netting either.
I'd keep an eye on it.

An established flock can be aggressive towards chicks unless they are raised by broodies within the flock.

But if you have a chill flock, there won't be problems....but you won't know until something happens. So, keep an eye out for the babes. It is natural for chickens to haze the youngest, which can get pretty aggressive....again, unless raised by broodies within the flock under a good roo. Then it is neat to see babes integrate as soon as they have feet enough under them to mingle in the flock. Even then, you need to watch in case somebody gets ticked off at chick hijinks.

My thoughts.
Chick hijinks - I have never heard of this term. I'm getting to think this is when the group of 8 chicks are running, playing through the run and our Hens get upset with the kids (chicks). They swarm through the run like crazy, they all do this as a group, 8 of them and one is a baby cock.

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