10 week old chicks....how do i start letting them out to free range?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 4, 2013
Hello! I have 14 10 week old pullets. I have a coop and a great fenced in run for them but when i am out in the yard i want to be able to let them out to peck around, eat some bugs and tick ect.....and help clean up the yard! What is the best way to start doing this? are they too young? they have been in their coop and going out since they were 4 or 5 weeks old......I dont want to be chasing 14 chickens all over the neighborhood....any words of wisdom??
They are quite old enough to be out free ranging. My only concern would neighbourhood cats and other predators, while they are so young still. So let them out when you have time to watch over them at first. Before you do that, make sure your property is securely fenced in, so they can't escape. Those little things can run fast! LOL Been there, done that...

Then start by letting them out for an hour or 2 at a time. In the afternoon walk over and casually open the gate to their run and stick around to see what they do. Don't be disappointed if they don't come out immediately. Some of the braver ones may venture out at first, but not stray too far. Eventually they will get curious, or see something outside that will attract them. If you spent a lot of time with them and they are tame they may follow you around the yard, especially if you happen to be doing something interesting, like digging over a patch or weeding. Let them get used to the idea over a few days and establish a routine, every afternoon at say 15:00 it's outside time. They will learn quick!

If you have any plants or a garden patch that you don't want them to eat and dig up you will have to fence that off also. Vegetable patches and chickens, for example, do not get along. It took my two broody hens and their chicks exactly one day to completely destroy my spinach patch. I don't know what I was thinking...
Thanks! Im not sure if i can fence in an area for them though, we have 8 acres but neighbors across the street....i might just have to keep a much closer eye on them.....
8 Acres, o.k. that could get expensive! LOL We used to live on around 7 or 8 acres as well and I found the chickens only ventured over to the neighbours through the fence that was the closest to their coop. The fence was around 50, 60 yards away, but something there attracted them. I'd suggest at the very least make sure your property borders closest to their coop area are fenced off properly.

And if you have a routine with feeding them that would help get them back home too, if they wander off. Which they may over time as they get older and more adventurous. I fed mine at a certain time every afternoon (and first thing in the morning) and at feeding time I'd tap the feed bowl and holler. They quickly learned to come running (and flying) when they heard that noise. Once I got their attention I'd wait until they were all near me, then I would fill their feeders inside the run and close the gate as soon as they were all inside and eating. I had over 100 chickens free ranging and this technique worked well for me.
I agree with training them to come to a noise. It is very easy and they catch on very quickly. I treat trained ours with scratch. I would put a very small amount in a plastic container and made sure to shake it and call them the same way each time, within two or three days the would come running/flying anytime they heard me call. So just figure out what their favorite treat is and in no time they will come when you call. I would just call them when they would wander to far and they would come back. It was very useful. Good luck and enjoy your babies!

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