10 weeks-ish not quite sure


May 13, 2016
Wells ny

these are my birds in question, I know the australorps can be difficult until older but but the barred rocks look like hens to me.i was looking for a second opinion, and wondering if anyone knew what the white ones looked like. they were labled pullets, and I'm without clues to their breed.

They all look like pullets except for the bird center left in this photo.

Your white birds with yellow legs look to be White Leghorns, possibly White Rocks. If the earlobes stay white, they are Leghorns. If the earlobes become red, they are Rocks.

The white birds with black face and a bit of crest on far left and center right look to be a Silkies. I cannot see enough of those birds to tell you for certain, but both look female at this point. Silkies can be harder to sex. Look at their toes to see if they have 5 toes. A true Silkie should have hair like feathers, black skin (feet, face, comb, wattle hardly present if female).

All the Barreds look to be pullets as do the Australorps at this point, and it is a good point to look since most roosters will have telecasted by then with a larger comb (see the rooster in left center).

Your Production Red also looks to be a pullet.

It was hard to get good shots of them, I was chasing them around the pen with the camera lol. I have 3 silkies,2reds 2barred rocks,3 BA and the three white ones and the ducks I'm waiting on feathering to finish. They were all straight run so it would seem I didn't do bad!

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