1000 chicks, any one interested?


12 Years
Jan 3, 2008
So my egg customers have recently quit buying because there is soy in my feed. soo now i am over run with eggs, but i have a friend who has a 1000 egg incubator and i figured i would put all these un sold eggs into it. Would any of you all be intrested in baby chicks? i could probably ship them if you want.
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how much would you want for them? i cant say for sure i would be able to buy them but if you can give me a price on them and the shipment ill see what i can do. my zip 38583. thats in TN maybe i can get some of them anyways.
Im not sure if i am going to do it yet or not. but i would take about anything for them since otherwise they are just going to turn into rotten eggs. idk where to find shipping prices?
I read this post four times now..
and my wife just walked into the room and read it and asked me..

now I have to ask you... WHAT???

what difference does it make that you feed some soy to your chickens that makes the eggs uneatable??? I would like to hear
"the rest of the story"..........
im not sure how they come up with the shipping price either. i guess by weight. so we would need to figure out how much a box would weight with about 200 chicks in the box. i dont think you could fit more than that in one box.
maybe you could ask your post office. let me know. i dont care what breed or what you feed them. i would just like to have some more.
The customers are part of an organic co-op. they believe that soy beans make girls mature earlier and have bigger breasts. also the believe that it makes men turn feminine. SO now they wont buy my eggs because of that. that.
i am going to hit up the organic markets around town and my local farmers market starts again soon. heck if any of you guys need hatching eggs too, i'll send them to you
I cant believe they couldnt come up with anything better than that!! I figured they "caused cancer" or at least something interesting, but that is hilarious!!

Sorry to hear about that though.

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