11 weeks old - pullets or roos? Svart Hona, Appenzeller Spitzhauben & Silver Sebright


Aug 22, 2016
Willamette Valley, Oregon
By this age, one should be able to tell! I am pretty sure I have three pullets (Svart Hona, Sebright and one Appenzeller), and from the red wattles, I suspect the other Appenzeller is a cockerel... but (he) shows no cockerel behaviour. Just acts like the other youngsters. Thoughts?

I also included pics of my white Orpington, who is about 3 months. I feel fairly sure she's a pullet, but I'd like another opinion.

Pic #1

Here's Lemondrop, the Orpington. Pullet?

Pic #2, Appenzellars. Ella with a blacker crest, above. Cab, with a lighter crest, below. Jenny, the Svart Hona, on the bottom


Pic #3 & 4, Lemondrop again. Orpington, about 3 months. Can we be 100% sure she's a pullet, now?

Pic #5, Ella. Pullet?


Pic #6 & 7 Cab, cockerel?

Pic #8, sweet, sweet Jenny the Svart Hona. Pullet?

Pic #9 June, the very shy Sebright

Pic #10 Jenny

Pic #11 June

Thanks for any confirmation you can give.
So far, Cab appears to definitely be a cockerel. In a couple of weeks, I think I'd like to see pics of Jenny. Her comb seems rather large to me for only 12 weeks, and I want to see if when that tail grows back in, it brings male saddle feather's with it.
Otherwise, the rest appear to be pullets.
So far, Cab appears to definitely be a cockerel. In a couple of weeks, I think I'd like to see pics of Jenny. Her comb seems rather large to me for only 12 weeks, and I want to see if when that tail grows back in, it brings male saddle feather's with it.
Otherwise, the rest appear to be pullets.
I really appreciate your reply. Thanks for the heads-up on Jenny. With the Svart colouring, I had no red wattles to tip me off, but this morning I noticed distinctly sickle-shaped feathers in the tail. You have a good eye. I think I've got two cockerels.
So far, Cab appears to definitely be a cockerel. In a couple of weeks, I think I'd like to see pics of Jenny. Her comb seems rather large to me for only 12 weeks, and I want to see if when that tail grows back in, it brings male saddle feather's with it.
Otherwise, the rest appear to be pullets.

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