12 newbies in da house!


Apr 14, 2018
Elk County, PA
Just got 12 adorable chics and I am so excited to watch them.:wee
I've never had chics and they are currently living in a large dog cage in our living room, that my husband put sides on. We've had them 3 days and I'm so nervous, I check on them constantly. We have 4 different kinds, I'm not even sure what they all are. 4 Easter Eggers, 2 Rhode Island Reds, 4 black and white speckled ones??? And 2 small black ones that are suppose to have red on the wings??? All egg layers :clap
We have 1 escape artist I named Amelia Bodelia, 2 reds I named Scarlet and Blondie who are the largest of the 12, 2 tiny black beaked, black headed bullies ;) I named Thelma and Louise. (Odd the smallest one should peck the others.) I'm still working on naming them all and learning about them. They share our house with our rescue dog Taz, he'll be 2 in July, he isnt quite sure what to think of them, he's curious and a bit jealous but, so far been really good with them. We just added a stick tonight and I'm amazed how quickly they got on it. I have been consulting this site for all my many questions and decided to join. I'm looking forward to learning more and overjoyed about my girls!!! :woot:woot:woot

Chicks are so cute!

Yes they will sometime escape, especially the EEs
G'Day from down under New2chicluv :frowWelcome!

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