12 week NH Red - Hen or Roo??


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2015
Where in the heck is Felton, CA?
Funny, how at this time of year, all the free roos start appearing on Craigslist. In the same vein, all the posts appear on this site with folks wanting to know if they have a roo or a hen. I'm in the same boat here, although it's really NOT funny because we get so attached to our chicks as they grow. I'm a newbie to this, and have discovered the stress associated with sexing. Mainly because I PROMISED my neighbors "no crowing."

My flock are 10 and 12 weeks old. 5 of my 6 are UNDOUBTEDLY girls leaving one in question. It's my NH Red. S/he is a bit larger, with a comb and waddles. I've learned that hens can have combs and waddles, too, though. Her color (so far) is consistently red, with some black inside the tail feathers and some black streaks around the neck. A few photos on the Web of NH Red hens look just like mine.

S/he started a crow this week. Not a full-on classic crow, but a slight 3 small sounds in the a.m. And then my friend reminded me that hens can crow. I looked that up and s/he fits ALL the characteristics of a crowing hen, as s/he is the alpha of an all - girl flock. S/he has also become a bit aggressive and picky on the other girls.

I'm attaching some pics. If you reply, please don't just announce if it's a roo or hen, but please, also let me know why you think so. I'm trying to learn as much as I can. So far, s/he hasn't bugged the neighbors. I really don't want to have to give him/her up.


That looks like a cockerel. 12 week old pullets do not crow. Older (at least 2 years old), dominant hens can sometimes start crowing. A young bird crowing is a cockerel. His male rooster feathers should start to be visible in the next few weeks.
You have a handsome cockerel. I agree a pullet of this age won't crow, that's on older hen usually with hormonal issues. Yep, mature hens have nice combs and wattles, that's why we always ask age when sexing. Females don't develop red combs and wattles like this until they're sexually mature and ready to lay eggs---boys show up much earlier. You'll also notice a difference in shape at this age, hens are usually more rounded, feminine and "finished" looking in their shape. Cockerels, like this guy, are leggy and gawky and look unfinished--kind of like a teenage boy.
Definite New Hampshire cockerel. Does that Barred Rock in the second picture have wry neck, er what's up with that?
[COLOR=222222]Funny, how at this time of year, all the free roos start appearing on Craigslist. In the same vein, all the posts appear on this site with folks wanting to know if they have a roo or a hen. I'm in the same boat here, although it's really NOT funny because we get so attached to our chicks as they grow. I'm a newbie to this, and have discovered the stress associated with sexing. Mainly because I PROMISED my neighbors "no crowing."[/COLOR] [COLOR=222222]My flock are 10 and 12 weeks old. 5 of my 6 are UNDOUBTEDLY girls leaving one in question. It's my NH Red. S/he is a bit larger, with a comb and waddles. I've learned that hens can have combs and waddles, too, though. Her color (so far) is consistently red, with some black inside the tail feathers and some black streaks around the neck. A few photos on the Web of NH Red hens look just like mine.[/COLOR] [COLOR=222222]S/he started a crow this week. Not a full-on classic crow, but a slight 3 small sounds in the a.m. And then my friend reminded me that hens can crow. I looked that up and s/he fits ALL the characteristics of a crowing hen, as s/he is the alpha of an all - girl flock. S/he has also become a bit aggressive and picky on the other girls.[/COLOR] [COLOR=222222]I'm attaching some pics. If you reply, please don't just announce if it's a roo or hen, but please, also let me know why you think so. I'm trying to learn as much as I can. So far, s/he hasn't bugged the neighbors. I really don't want to have to give him/her up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=222222]CHICKY CHEERS![/COLOR] [COLOR=222222] [/COLOR] [COLOR=222222] [/COLOR]

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