12 Week Old Chick not walking properly

Well Sunday morning she was weaker and off her food a water. I had told my partner that if she got to that stage then we had to do something.

My partner took him back to the guy who saw her before. He said she definitely doesn't have Mareks or he would have put her down there and then. He said leave her with me for a week and I will do my best to make her better.

I got an update today and he has her on a drip of vitamins and antibiotics and she responding well.

I have all my fingers and toes crossed and hope she pulls through.

We still don't have any idea what she has. :(
That is how soot was. She is regaining strength after a couple of weeks on B vitamins, but she can't walk. I am pretty sure its vitamin deficiency for your chicken as well. You also have to give her physical therapy. Aka: hold her breast and get her to walk so she regains strength, otherwise she'll probably just lay on her side and poop on herself (like soot). Good luck!
She is getting better slowly, and definitely has more energy, despite her one leg being weaker so she can not stand. Yesterday she freaked out for some reason, and jumped out of the box I have her in. This is a good sign that she might recover because she used to hardly move at all. Any luck with your girl?
She is getting better slowly, and definitely has more energy, despite her one leg being weaker so she can not stand. Yesterday she freaked out for some reason, and jumped out of the box I have her in. This is a good sign that she might recover because she used to hardly move at all. Any luck with your girl?

Awww that sounds good :) Well we are going to find out tomorrow about our one. I really hope she is ok as she is just so adorable.

Keep us updated about yours. :)
WHAT a cutie! And looks so shiny!

I think half the battle is keeping their weight up. I try as long as they don't waste away or have an appetite.

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