12 week old EE - boy or girl?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 26, 2009
Here's Jane, our 12 week old EE. We're starting to wonder if she is a he, as her comb has become darker and more prominent in the past week. She's lowest in the pecking order in our small flock, hasn't made a sound, and is our shyest bird. She does like to run up into the other pullet's faces, but they just ignore her and walk right by. What do you think?


Lots of pics!!

Fingers crossed for a pullet...please!
EE's are tricky tricky tricky! There are signs that tell me it's a pullet and signs that tell me its a cockerel. I just can't decide
I guess you'll just have to wait a little longer to see what happens
That's a rooster.

The triple row comb and the greenish tail feathers say so, but I was looking for one more sign: the back feathers. The keeps his wings over them which makes things tough. But this shot reveals what I was looking for:


It's for sure a rooster.

I can't type to save my life! lol
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I'm not as certain as UP, but I also think it is a cockeral. I have EE pullets with the three-row comb so that isn't always a great indicator, but the feathering does look like it is starting to get some sickle feathers coming in.
These aren't the happy answers I was hoping for....
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