12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Interesting discussion of roosters...I have 2 roosters, 1 black based & 1 blue. My hens are all black based so any blue chicks will be the babies of the blue rooster. The blue rooster is the subordinate one but so far the majority of the chicks have all been blue! Don’t know how the theory applies here!
Candled a few eggs tonight & saw some development, so so far so good this hatch.

Here they are, not sure how helpful it is because they don't actually show generations further down the line. Like what the splits would produce when bred but I still found it educational! :)

Breeding Chart - Blue.jpg
Breeding Chart - Lavender.jpg
@Chicka_deee Your name ideas are lovely! :clap

You could have a lot of fun matching chicken breeds to flowers. Here’s what I mean:
Roses of a violet color are called “blue”.

This reminds me that chickens of a gray color are also called “blue” or “lavender”.

(Rosa ‘Heirloom’)
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So now this Easter Egger’s name is Blue Rose (she also lays blue eggs)
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One thing I love about raising chickens is naming them! They don't have to be the most serious names but its still super fun coming up with different ideas
Blue Rose is so pretty!
My girls took a break from laying a few weeks so I'm running 4 days late as well...I just set 11 RIR & LO chicken eggs in an incubator earlier this afternoon. Not sure how well the hatching rates will turn out since the eggs were stored in a room temp of 72° prior to incubating but we'll see what happens.

EDIT: Just added 2 more eggs to incubator earlier today so now have started 13 total.
(6 RIRxLO cross and 7 LO eggs)
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