12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Hi yall

I'm kinda new to BYC. My friend here coerced me to join this year's easter hatchalong heh. Ignore the names of the eggs. Got bored of numbering the eggs every time so I decided to give them random keywords. They're mallard derived, probably mutts. I've setted 6 eggs, on 10th of march. Bit early, but this was before I was made aware of this thread. This is my first time ever having any experience with ducks, let alone hatching them, so quite looking forwards to it!

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Welcome, and I hope the best for the eggs!
Thanks~ And yep. My friend been telling me to mist them about once per day. Set the humidity to around 30%. And keep eye on the size of the air cells, and readjust the conditions accordingly.

I've been rather lazy about researching things myself heh :p
Thats what BYC is for lol. I prefer to do the spraying/ cooling rather than without in my opinion
I agree and don't mist turkey or chicken eggs. I do mist waterfowl with good results since my ducks would swim and wet the eggs every day and get better results when I do mist. I know that not everyone does this and that's cool too. When I don't, my hatch rates struggle as my personal environment is too dry, leading to the ducklings having a hard time getting out. Since it is her first time hatching ducks, I wanted to open the conversation as well as encourage her. No criticism meant either way.
Yeah I don't tend to mist anything other than waterfowl.
As weird as it sounds the hen can actually choose what sperm fertilizes the egg so typically whichever rooster is dominant will father the chicks in a flock even when there are multiple roosters but this is not 100% of the time. There can be interesting dynamics in multi-rooster flocks. Sometimes a dominant rooster or sometimes each roo will have "his" hens. Not sure how to answer your question but it takes about 24-26 hours to produce an egg so the egg she laid that day would still likely be from the first rooster and the egg the next day could be from either.
Interesting 🤔
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