12th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-Along

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Hello All!

The Cottages Assisted Living is back for another Easter Hatch! We added another incubator this year. We are hatching in 3 different locations this time. and will be setting a total of 60 eggs. 36 EE's, and 24 Barnyard mix... It has been a rough year for our residents, with limited visitations of loved ones. and constant restrictions and mask wearing...They all love watching the hatch.
🙋 👍 💞
Happy So Excited GIF
Hello All!

The Cottages Assisted Living is back for another Easter Hatch! We added another incubator this year. We are hatching in 3 different locations this time. and will be setting a total of 60 eggs. 36 EE's, and 24 Barnyard mix... It has been a rough year for our residents, with limited visitations of loved ones. and constant restrictions and mask wearing...They all love watching the hatch.
So nice to see you back!
Greetings, all! I haven't done an Easter hatch in a while, I have had later-fertilized eggs the last several years (last year my first set was 4/4), but thought it seemed like a good year to try a little earlier again.
To add interest, I decided to have a couple dozen eggs shipped from the University of CT (I am in CO) - this will almost certainly result in me filling that incubator with a completely different set of eggs a week later, but I wanted to try their eggs and thought now is as good a time as any.
I also discovered there is a Hedemora keeper not far from me, so I'll be going to pick up a dozen eggs there the afternoon of the 12th or morning of the 13th, and will fill out that incubator with my own eggs, in all likelihood from a first-year flock covered by a nice LF Black Cochin, with 3 Black Cochin pullets, a Naked Neck pullet, and a hatchery pullet of unknown heritage we love named Amelia. She is white and lays fairly dark brown eggs, has a hint of cream in her hackle feathers, very confident attitude, very smart bird.
I have two RCom incubators that hold approximately 2 dozen eggs each, and a Brinsea mini for overflow so I can set up to 7 extra eggs to allow for the likely high number of UConn eggs that don't develop. This makes the maximum number of eggs I can set 55, assuming they are medium eggs. If the UConn and/or Hedemora eggs are larger or smaller, that number can change. The UConn eggs are White Leghorns, so they may be larger, Hedemora are said to lay medium sized eggs.
I will set 12 chicken eggs on the 13th. 3 will be cold storage for 3 days, 3 will be storage at ambient outdoor North Carolina Spring temp for 3 days, 3 will be fresh from the nest 3 will be washed but fresh from the nest.
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