13 hens... yet 29 eggs a day. Suspicious?


this is so intriguing ---- You have to get to the bottom of this.

My theory is that there is a parallel universe where other chickens live, but they visit your coop at egg-laying time. Congrats on the amazing layers..... or on solving the mystery if it isn't them.

ETA: or maybe there is something in the water! LOL
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I know whats happening! The 3 that are not laying out of my 16, are laying in your coop!! ( most I have gotten is 13 ) I have an astralorp who I swear laid two eggs a smaller one and then a giant one . Have you thought of trap nesting? if not i would get a camera, I have one it lets me know how many coons I have!
So that's where all my eggs have gone!

Seriously though, yes that's very suspicious. No way all 29 eggs are coming from 13 hens. That would mean they all lay two or three eggs a day. Barring something miraculous, that seems impossible. If you can, sit out there with them for a day, I guarantee you won't see them lay 29 eggs. (If they do, I'll eat my words and call Ripley's lol)! Do you have any neighboring chickens that could be 'borrowing' your nest boxes? Are they all chicken eggs? I can't wait til you get this figured out, everyone loves a good mystery!

I remember a thread on here last year very similar to yours and it turned out it was her husband playing a joke. It took him a while to come clean so it was quite the mystery for awhile! I'm not assuming your husband is doing this, but something strange is definitely afoot here. Please let us know as soon as you get to the bottom of it!
I've picked up a hen that was walking in the run and 3 eggs fell out. One she laid, and two she was carrying under her wings... But that still doesn't explain the daily occurrence.
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