14 week old pullet can't use one leg


8 Years
Jan 11, 2012
My 14 week old Langshan/Brahma cross stopped using her right leg 4 days ago. This happened very suddenly.

I've assumed that she got knocked off a roost by an older hen and injured the leg. I've checked for breaks, and definitely no breaks. I've felt and rotated each joint, and I'm not feeling anything loose, popping, grinding, sliding or otherwise weird.

She will reach it down as if she wants to walk on it, then remembers that it hurts and lifts it back up. She's hopping around on her other leg.

I've had chickens have a sore leg before, but they typically improve over the coming days. This one is not improving.

She's eating and drinking. She's pretty much finding a comfy place and laying there most of the day. The other chickens are not picking on her. She does get up on the lowest roost at night.

I considered Marek's, but her other leg and wings seem perfectly fine.

Is there anything else I'm missing, or anything I should be doing to help her?
I'm noticing that if I push on her foot, she does not try to push down with her leg at all. However, if I pull her leg (try to extend it), she has good strength in resisting me and pulling it back up.

Mean anything? Poos are perfectly normal, btw.

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