15 week old Pullet not gaining weight or growing like rest of flock, what can I do?


May 3, 2024
Hi everyone, I posted a thread a few weeks ago about dealing with some respiratory issues with a few of my bantam Cochin pullets, and the good news is they have gotten better from that. Two of them are totally back to normal and are back with the rest of the flock after being treated with Denagard. But one, my smallest frizzle hen is still not doing great.

She doesn't have any respiratory issues now, but she is still acting lethargic. She eats and drinks, but doesn't seem to be gaining any weight. I have been mixing rooster booster and nutri drench with her water to make sure she is getting everything she needs. She is inside the house, separated from the others, on puppy pads and a heating pad. Today I found she has pasty butt, which is new. I cleaned that off but now I am at a loss. What else can I do? I will be calling a few vets first thing in the morning to see if any can see her soon. I have never dealt with anything like this before. I can tell she is lonely being separated from the rest of the flock. I just feel so bad for her! I really don't want to lose her :(

I have her on all flock feed now, I just switched a couple days ago but now I am wondering if I should go back to a grower feed?
Update: She unfortunately passed away a couple hours ago, but I still want to ask if there was anything else I could have done? Or was she just not going to make it? I know this is the reality of keeping chickens, but if I can learn to prevent this in the future, I would love to know.

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