16 week old EE - boy or girl?

Eggcellent Adventure

In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 27, 2011

Of our chickens this one acts a little unusual compared to the rest of the "girls"...there was a recent fox attack which she escaped so not sure if it is due to that or rooster hormones kicking in. No crowing. Just becoming more aggressive with our dog and cats, etc. Here's her/his photos...16 weeks and bought from agway chick order in spring.

Her/his comb is a bit redder than my other EEs from the order...but hoping that's a soon to lay red? or not?

She has white feathers starting to come in at her neck/hackles...but my girl red stars have these too...so still not sure if a boy thing or a coloring thing?

She/He does seem to have the same fluffy back view as my laying hens...
It's a pullet. That red sex link-ish color is common in ee hens, I have some that vary from a pale gold to a nice burnished color like your girl. She's just getting hormonal, sounds like, and will probably be your first layer.

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