17 day old chicks fighting?


Apr 30, 2016
I have three 17 day old chicks. Two of them are fighting! One of them will fly up and land on the other one and both will start pecking each others beaks. Are they playing or fighting?
It could also be that you have two cockerels?
I have 32 unsexed, two week old chicks. I can already tell who is going to be a Rooster... The mini cock fights are something too see! It is them establishing a pecking order.
I look forward to the day they are old enough for me to sell all the Roos and only have the hens.
I have three 17 day old chicks. Two of them are fighting! One of them will fly up and land on the other one and both will start pecking each others beaks. Are they playing or fighting
They are fighting. 2 weeks old and change is about how old most cockerels are when they first tie up. Some times the little pullets get into the act as well. After they stop fighting on their own, rub some oil or grease on their heads to promote healing and by tomorrow they will be great friends. Its part of being a chicken.
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They are fighting. 2 weeks old and change is about how old most cockerels are when they first tie up. Some times the little pullets get into the act as well. After they stop fighting on their own, rub some oil or grease on their heads to promote healing and by tomorrow they will be great friends. Its part of being a chicken.
In my experience, when the pullets challenge each other they seem to be only acting bossy. When the cockerels go at it, its standing tall and kicking the other chick over. Usually another cockerel will run over and get into the brawl also. I am no expert but I am usually right sexing my chicks.
This is the one that starts the fight. It looks just like its dad as well as acting like him! I'm pretty sure it's a rooster. What do you think?
This is the one that starts the fight. It looks just like its dad as well as acting like him! I'm pretty sure it's a rooster. What do you think?

This is the one that starts the fight. It looks just like its dad as well as acting like him! I'm pretty sure it's a rooster. What do you think?
Yes! Looks to be a Cockerel with its cocky little stance. Its an Ameraucana chick. cute! I HAVE 15 of those.

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