18 week old Anconas...is one of these a rooster?


9 Years
Nov 17, 2010
At 18 weeks Florence and Wheezy are beginning to look a bit different. I have had them since they were a couple of days old. I ordered females from Meyer. Wheezy was always VERY precocious...jumped out of the brooder and onto my lap when she (he?) was less than a week old. Wheezy also chases the dog around and a couple of the wimpier bigger chickens.

Any thoughts on Wheezy possibly being a he instead of a she? Maybe Florence just hasn't finished growing a bigger comb yet? Wheezy is also a bit broader on the chest than Florence. Other than that they are the same.

I do not want a rooster but I am quite attached to Wheezy. Sigh. I have not heard any crowing. Does anyone know if Ancona roosters are exceptionally loud?

Wheezy: (Little bit blurry...good luck getting Wheezy to hold still!)


Thanks for your help!!
I need to see the tail and saddle feathers, but it still looks like a girl to me.
Thank you, so maybe there is hope! Wheezy's comb just looks so different than Florence's. Here are a few more pictures of Wheezy.



That's great....!!! I guess Florence and Wheezy are just growing their combs at different rates.
I hope so! I will check under the blackberry bushes where Wheezy likes to hang out. The sex-linked pullet "Extra" who is the same age as Wheezy laid her first egg yesterday. Luckily, it was in the nest box!

I'm glad I won't have to change Wheezy's name. DH already decided that any rooster we mistakenly end up with is to be named "Spock".
I don't think you'll be getting eggs just yet, might be a few weeks. I have anconas and They have huge floppy combs. The 2 with the flopped combs are laying, but the one that has a small comb like yours hasn't started yet. My rooster's comb was that big when he was only 6 weeks old.
from feathersite.com

My pullets combs are actually a little bigger.
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And, on the flip side of that, my Ancona hens' combs weren't much larger than your girl's. The comb size will vary from bird to bird and from line to line. The Ancona standard calls for a single comb with 5 distinct points. It should stand upright on the males. On the females, the 1st point must stay upright but the other 4 points may droop to one side. So, an overly large, truly floppy comb is not desired in breeding Anconas. In any case, they are still wonderful egg layers no matter the size of the comb.

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