19 or 21 Days??


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
Does anyone know if silkies hatch in 19 or 21 days? I have nine eggs under a hen right now and just want to make sure I'm prepared for the date of delivery
. Thanks!!

P.S. White silkie roo and blue silkie hen...I'm hoping for some splash chicks...think it's possible?

I think it's possible! They will be cute either way! And on the 19 or 21. I've read alot of chicken books and I don't remember them saying the Silkies was any different than other chickens on how many hatching days. So I'm asuming it's going to be the 21 days. But, I could be wrong. I've never hatched out Silkies. I do know that everytime I hatch out any kind of eggs, they are always a day early. And it doesn't matter if I set them in the morning or the evening! Please post pictures! I would love to see them!

Happy Hatchin'

Thanks, Andi. I've never hatched them before either, but I know that they're kind of considered bantams, and I think bantams hatch in 19 days. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I'll have the chick feed on hand and ready to go by day 19.

Thanks for your help.
Were your silkies hatched in a bator or under a hen? My silkie hen never went broody! I had to put her eggs under a banty! Who ever said silkies go broody at the drop of a hat..mine don't!
Hi, my silkie hatches were in the bator. I just posted a thread here under the eggs incubation section about intervention and helping chicks out. You may find it very interesting.

I had a major humidity issue with my last batch, plus most of the silkies were very large babies in what seemed to be too small of shells.

With summertime temps, and my air conditioner running I think it zapped my humidity levels in the bator-it was very difficult to keep them up. If you use a hen it is much easier-and less stressful lol!

Yeah, really, my silkie has never gone broody. On top of that, she was my only female out of 8 straight run chicks! I just don't have luck with them:rolleyes: As for hatching, all my silkies and banties take 21 days like normal chickens.
I used a LG and hatched out 3 baby silkies a week ago and they did just fine, Although mine didnt pip until day 22 and then hatched day 23 one hathched out at 5 in the morning and anouther at 7 in the morning the third one hatched the same day at 11 at night. I was tired and was about to go to sleep at like 11 but when the first one hatched I just kept hearing chirping and thought it was just normal because they were chirping away all day Then finaly like 6, 7 hours later I couldn't take it got up and saw him just about the kick the shell off I was so happy I got to watch but Wasn't good either cause I had to leave at 7 to go sum where.

It was a great experience to see this It was like a once in a lifetime thing (Enless you got 21-23 days to just waste away). I hope you have a great experience to.

silkelovre, i missed both the 2 chicks hatching one while i was out came back found the shell and second one in the night, i cant even watch them now as the house and run are totally covered up as its constantly chucking it down with rain its so frustrating :mad:

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