1month old gosling injured leg


10 Years
Jan 23, 2010
some how. I don't know what happened. She was limping for a couple of days and i noticed her leg was swollen so i brought her in and put her in a box so she can't move around much. It feels very hot

I can tell you exactly what everyone will say, cause mine just got hurt.
(smiling cause I can help not about Howard being hurt). Infant vitamins without iron, heating pad with a towel over it and water therapy. Howard still limps but he couldn't even stand 2 days ago. Patience cause it may take a little bit but the baby will probably be fine.
Years ago ( 25 or so actually ) My mother used to use a heat lamp to help aid the recovery of waterfowl with swollen joints. sheena6292 mentioned a heat pad- I think this is a very good way to help your goose recover. Keeping it in a confined space to limit movement as well may assist recovery. As to what it is or the cause- I cant help- but hopefully someone may be able to give you an idea.
Make sure she has a little friend in there with her or she'll be lonely and won't thrive. Water therapy to keep movement without putting a lot of weight on it and rest
The other possibility is infection, but unless there is a wound on her leg somewhere I doubt it. If she is eating and drinking and trying to act normally, she'll probably be just fine with what everyone else has suggested.
Thank you for your input. Seems I am doing the correct things for her except for a companion. I don't want her moving around to much and have her in a box with just enough room to stretch out and her food and water
put her back with the others today and wow was she happy. She seems to be walking fine but still has some swelling. Will keep a close eye on her

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