1st egg today and ??? Pictures!!!! :)


9 Years
Jan 6, 2011
I found my first 2 eggs today!!
One by the gate and another on the floor of the coop by the nesting boxes. ? will they get the hang of things and start laying in the nesting boxes? And the one looked like maybe they were pecking at it bc it had scratches on it! Then another question... I have 15 chickens they are 18 weeks old they still do not go in the coop at night!! They still huddle by the fence everynight. I'll go and sometimes put them in the coop and shut the doors with lights on but then sometimes just leave them alone and let then be. But I worry about them all night long!! Someone please tell me if I'm doing something wrong or what??? Thanks!!!
super excited about my 1st eggs today!!!



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yeah girlies ... Try putting golf balls or wooden eggs in the nests. @ what level are your nest? I walked my first flock up the "plank", they finally got it. New layers sometimes don't know they are laying an egg. It just happens. Give 'em time.
Help them into the coop until they get the hang of it.
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Thank u!! I have 3 plastic white eggs and golf balls in there boxes!! I can't wait to see if I get anymore tomorrow!! It's like an Easter egg hunt everyday!! Lol
They're just silly teenagers who don't know what their body is doing yet - When a hen starts making the 'egg complaint' , pick her up and place her in the nest, push down gently so she has to sit, and hold down for a minute. Then let up - hen may leave the nest, but at least you showed her where to sit! Do this a few times - the hen who catches on first will teach the others.

As far as bed time, you have to go and put them on the roost at dark. After about a week of this, they will get the hang of it. Chickens need to be trained - it isn't so hard if you're available. Otherwise, you let them figure life out by themselves, and you deal with what they come up with. If they decide to hide eggs, for instance, you'll have a hunt on your hands every day! You be in charge - - - - -
I am not at the egg laying/nest box stage... but I did have to crawl into my coop to hand delivery all 12 birds to the roost for 3 nights. On the fourth night, all dressed to crawl on chicken poop and what not, every one of those chickens were settled on the roost. It was surprisingly easy to train my girls how and where to roost but they also picked the idea up quick. I think the chickens were about 8 weeks old?!? when we got roosting accomplished.

Good luck!
My hens laid 2 more eggs today!!
and I put them in there coop tonight, tried putting them on the roost but must of them kept jumping off. But theyre all in!! Thanks everyone.

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