1st flock, breed type?


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2016
I was given 2 chicks and 2 ducklings mid May 2016, they were probably 3ish weeks old. They are a good 2months old now. From pictures of other chickens, they seem to resemble the Thai's, am I right. The cock hasn't started crowing. I live in city limits, has anyone had success in the crowing level using the crow collars? I would love to keep him. My flock are becoming prettier and prettier each week. I love how he looks out for the flock. When the ducks go wondering, he has a special chirp looking for his gang.




Just sharing my experiences. So now my flock are 3months old, they've become way too comfortable hanging out on my porch deck out in the back. Been getting tired of rinsing off the deck everyday. So Monday, I went and got a 10'x10' kennel, set it up, put the coop inside along with their water and food. Well, sunset came by, herded the flock in the kennel. They usually waddling up into the coop by 8:30p, but the were not happy with their relocation. I moved them to the far end of my property. So the were protesting hard, refusing to eat, and chattering. 9:30p comes by and I caved in, my daughter and I had to pick up the Swedish ducks and put them in the coop. The Thai chickens simply followed up, they go where ever the ducks go. Yesterday they were alright with their relocation. They are still free to roam the backyard, I just keep their food and water in the kennel, so they all herd back for a drink. Been trying to be persistent in shushing the birds to stay off the deck. Ducks are getting it. My rooster is a bit testy. I am just amazed by the personality of my drake. Who'd ever thought a duck could protest. Thanks for reading.
Came home yesterday after a family evening out. Went to our fenced backyard to check on my animals. There was an extra dog that did not belong us. Killed our rooster, injured my 2 swedish ducks and rabbit. Olympia's Animal Service just gave the dog right back to the owner whom live right behind us in those nasty Tanglewilde apartments. I had.. 2 Thai game fowl, 2 swedish ducks, a rabbit, and 2 dogs that I contain on my fenced property. The birds have their own kennel with a coop inside, and rabbit in a cage. When we are home we let them all free range. Our dogs didn't mind them but sniff them once in a while. It's one thing if a raccoon or oppossum preyed upon our animals. But to have a neighbor's dog, whom claim she broke out of the apartment and snuck into my backyard killing and causing injuries to my animals, then coming back at us saying that if my fence was more secured then the incident would not have happened. We asked her to help is recover our losses, such as replace our chickens and help with vet bill of our imjured duck. She claims she's a single mother that doesn't have a job therefore unable to help but would like her dog back. We're tried to get Animal Services involved amd the police. They all came out, viewed our property, tried to file a report but was given the run around, to the Animals Service just giving the dog right back to the owner without a report. The dog is not even registered.

Maybe I need to vent but, why is there no help for the victims? All we wanted was a report. This dangerous dog, which I don't blame the dog for her strong prey drive, has an irresponsible owner. Laws say dogs need to be on leash when off of residing property and any dog at large causing a nuisance or harm, the owner shall be liable. I just don't understand these laws if the county and animal control will not investigate or enforce. Our heart hurts, as I'm sure you know how it's like to raise chicks into maturing flock. You have a special bond. Especially when your kids are hand feeding them and named them.

Sometimes, I think people should be required to take a animal ownership responsibility course, just a quick one like the alcohol licensing. Sign a completion of course, quiz and oath of understanding laws and responsibilities as a owner of animals.

Thanks for reading. If you happen to know someone you may help me with my rights as a victim, would be very much appreciated.

RIP Jesse, the beautiful Thai gamefowl rooster. You sure did get prettier everyday and kept a great watch over the flock. I'm sorry I bought a home in such a lowly neighborhood of Tanglewilde.
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Guess what?! My 1 thai hen escaped from the incident. After 6 nights, she ended up on my back porch with my remaining swedish duck hen! I am just amazed that she found her way back home! On our security cameras, we saw her escaping the backyard and running off in the front! My husband thinks she's been listening to the swedish evening calls.

So exciting! After 7 months of raising, our gamehen finally laid a few eggs! Found under a bush but our patio. Next to a golf ball.

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