1st flock of chicks


Oct 17, 2015
Marionville Mo
We bought our first flock of chicks. We got 6 Road Island reds 5 hens 1 rooster and 4 Buff Orringtons. For today we have them in a water tub "building a better pin tomorrow" for heat we have 1 250w light meditated starter feed and water.. is there anything else I need? It to my understanding that they need to be kept inside for 6-8 weeks? Should I let my kids handle the chicks their ages are 1,3&5? What should I expect or need to do for the next 6-8 weeks?
The only thing I'd add is to observe the chicks - if they are huddled under the heat source, they are too cold and if they avoid it like the plague and have their beaks open a lot, they are too hot. You can also throw in a sod of grass (soil n all) to help give them some grit in their crops as well as help build up immunities.

All the best
Congratulations on your new chicks! It sounds like you have a good set up. You might want to add a small thermometer of some kind where you can easily monitor the temperature. I would let your children handle the chicks if they understand that they need to be very careful. They will definitely need to wash their hands after handling the chicks! You should handle the chicks on a regular basis so that they become comfortable around you. You can also add some sand/dirt to the bottom of their pen and they will dust bathe. The length of time they stay in will depend on your climate and the accommodations you have for them outside. 6-8 weeks is a good estimate. Enjoy them!

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