1st post...wire confusion....


8 Years
Mar 12, 2016
NW Arkansas
My Coop
My Coop
Thanks in advance for being patient with me. Incredible site you guys have here! I know it's been discussed before and I've read many threads but still not sure of the right answer. Just getting started on coop and run. Trying to buy correct materials the first time. My run will be 8x20. Treated 2x4's with treated 4x4's in the corners. Local predators: Possums, hawks, skunks, possibly raccoons and coyotes (have never seen them but I've heard they are around) along with the stray dogs and cats. I was planning on doing chicken wire on the sides covered by 2x4 welded wire and then welded wire only on the top. 8' of the run will be covered with metal roofing. Chickens will be in the coop at night. I will be burying the wire to deter the diggers and lining the outside of the run with large landscaping rocks. Is the chicken wire covered with the 2x4 a good protection? Budget does not really allow to cover the entire run with 1/2" hardware cloth.
Yes it will be fine. :) I know many members on here have done the exact same thing. The welded wire will keep out the predators and the chicken wire should prevent the racoons from reaching in through the 2"x4" to grab anybody. It sounds like you have been thinking bout this, and :thumbsup to you for building your own! Goodluck
Yes it will be fine.
I know many members on here have done the exact same thing. The welded wire will keep out the predators and the chicken wire should prevent the racoons from reaching in through the 2"x4" to grab anybody. It sounds like you have been thinking bout this, and
to you for building your own! Goodluck

Thanks. I rarely buy anything that I can make or build. I have a well outfitted shop so no excuses not to be building my own coop and run. I'm also "that guy" that researches everything to death before any project. Sometimes that's a blessing. Sometimes that's a curse.
Trying to do it right the first time without throwing money away. Going to Home Depot after work to buy the materials. Planning on getting a start this weekend. I'll make a thread. Thanks again.
Ok, all basic materials for the 8x8 coop and the 8x20 run have been purchased and are on the site. Now for some time and good weather. I'm thoroughly enjoying how excited my wife (Cheryl) is about all of this. She rarely asks for anything so when she does I try my best to get it for her. I haven't been happily married for 31 years on accident.
She is a great cook and longs for her own big brown eggs. Hopefully get a start in the next few days with clearing and preparing the site. I'm still amazed at how much fantastic information there is here!!!
Be aware that chicken wire will degrade and rust, usually within 5 years, enough to fall apart, we don't use it anymore.
So really, 2x4 galvanized wire fencing is sufficient? I live in Carrol, OH. Coyotes, dogs, stray cats, hawks are all in the neighborhood. This is my first year with chickens, not sure how to keep them safe. Have a large coop that came with the recently purchased home, but it has nothing but run-of-the-mill chicken wire for fencing. Can't make up my mind if 1/2" hardware cloth is the way to go or use the 2x4 to give then just a little more protection. And then, how high? 3', 4', 5' or higher? Should I put any on top as well?
We used welded wire towards the top part of my bantam run , my turkey run is just welded wire 4-5 feet tall with wire strands for a top, the first 3 feet on the bantam run is actually wood to keep out goats, but I would use hardware cloth or use chicken wire to line or reinforce the welded wire but expect to have to replace it as it wears out. You mainly want to prevent critters from reaching inside to snag a chicken, and maybe bury some hardware cloth to prevent digging.

It all comes down to how secure you want it. Predators for us are erratic and occasional, but once you are found and have losses than they will come back until the snacks run out of they can't get them, or you do something about them.

I don't close my pop door most nights so the run needs a bit more security, so that's another thing to think about whether you want to open and close that every day.

Most chickens won't go over about 5 feet tall fencing, but it depends on the breeds, very light ones might. You also need to figure out if you cover it do you want to be able to stand up or if you are okay stooping.

So lots of things to factor in, and what you are comfortable with as far as price and how sturdy you want it, and if you cover it whether it's wire or a solid roof, we have not have good luck with covering the runs with wire due to heavy wet snow bringing them down.
So really, 2x4 galvanized wire fencing is sufficient? I live in Carrol, OH. Coyotes, dogs, stray cats, hawks are all in the neighborhood. This is my first year with chickens, not sure how to keep them safe. Have a large coop that came with the recently purchased home, but it has nothing but run-of-the-mill chicken wire for fencing. Can't make up my mind if 1/2" hardware cloth is the way to go or use the 2x4 to give then just a little more protection. And then, how high? 3', 4', 5' or higher? Should I put any on top as well?

After a ridiculous amount of reading, my plan is to cover the 8' tall sides with regular chicken wire and then cover the entire enclosure including the roof with 2x4. The combination of the 2 wires will hopefully keep the predators out.
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