2 1/2 week old chick picking on the 3 1/2 old chicks


7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
Suffolk VA
I have a 2 1/2 half week old silver laced Wyandotte chick, I think it's a rooster. He is in the Brooder with 3 1/2 week olds. He is very aggressive to the other chicks. If any other chicks get near him he runs to them and starts pecking at them very aggressively. I have never had this happen before. He will peck your hand until he draws blood if you let him. He is just plain mean... and I say that as one of the most loving chicken mammas.... His father is one of the most gentle rooster's you will ever find. Named "Cuddles" because he is so mild. Has anyone else had a chick start out this way....
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I haven't, please post pics so we can try to figure out what it is. If you think you can't handle his aditude you can sell him on here to a loving family.

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