2-3 hens attack 1 hen suddenly


In the Brooder
Aug 4, 2022
Today, as I was putting my hens away after an afternoon of free ranging in the yard, I noticed a few of them had feathers missing on their bottoms, and very red, irritated skin. I picked them up, one by one, and sprayed their raw butts with NuKote (on the recommend from someone at tractor supply chicken dept). It’s like purple spray paint. Anyhow, I’d spray a hen and put her down and get another one and do the same. Each time I set one down they went about their business just fine. Then I picked up a Brown Comet, sprayed her bum and set her down. As soon as I did that, she went into the run and 1 of my Americaunas targeted and attacked her in the run. Cornered her and began pecking at her! She got away and ran out of the run screaming and running around the yard in a panic. She saw me and ran up to me, almost to say “save me save me!) I picked her up and calmed her down, then set her down again. Again, she went into the run and now 2 hens ganged up on her. She began running around the run, in and out of the coop and run. The other 2-3 hens would chase her and attack her. I finally got her out of their and have her isolated in my garage. Not sure what happened to make them suddenly do this? There are 9 hens, no roo. All girls are 11 months old. Have never had a problem before. Not sure what to do here or how long to keep her isolated. I’m afraid to put her back in there and wake up to a dead chicken in the morning! She does not appear to have any wounds other than the raw butt skin. Should I keep her isolated over night and try reintro tomorrow during “recess”? Thank you!
That's odd but happens. She must be the lowest in the pecking order. You could put the Comet in the wire cage with food and water, in the coop. She's part of the flock yet protected. Keep her there for a few days, then try adding her to the roost at night when all are roosting. See if you can add to the coop/run places for her to hide ... It's all part of the pecking order.
@BlindLemonChicken & @ChickNanny13 thank you for the advice, and so quick! I tried to put her back in the run, with all the others to see exactly which ones are targeting her. I was hoping to remove the bully. The one Americauna did immediately attack her. So I removed that one. But when I went back to the run, she was manic and ALL the others were chasing her around! She wasn’t originally the lowest in the pecking order. That title went to my Wayondotte - Miss Patty. But when I saw Miss Patty go after this one, I knew something was fishy in Stars Hollow. So I have removed the bullied hen. I will follow your advice Chicknanny and get a kennel for the run, so she can still be part of the flock. And I’ll let her free range with them tomorrow. For tonight, she safe and warm and has all the food and water she could want. 💔. Thanks so much for all the help!!!
Update: Made good progress with letting all the hens free range together. The Americaunas still don’t want her around, but as long as she’s calm, the others let her be. So they all foraged together with little to no issue. But it was short lived. Upon trying to put them back in the run, she became manic and the others attacked her again. So…she is again quarantined alone. If I can’t get her reintegrated soon, I’m not sure what else to do. Get her her own chicks? Keep two separate flocks? Ugh.
So I've been reading about these "mean girls" I recently posted pictures about 2 of my red star with bald looking crowns but have never caught any of the girls being aggressive or mean. I went out this afternoon to give the girls some treats and was just standing in their coop talking to them, collecting eggs and just hanging around and lo and behold Thelma my black star jumped on my sweet Blanche. She continued to try and push her out of the treats. I also notice my reds bottom has no feathers!! Yikes.. She's starting to look a little rough. BUT I have found out the cause and who is the cause. I have a 12x8 Saltbox Coop with 10 hens. I have a 12x20 run.
Do I isolate the mean one? I have a large dog cage I can put in the run. Do I lock her in there only at night? She would need access to the run during the day so I am not sure how this all would work. wouldn't it be maddening for a chicken to be locked up who is being aggressive? I am expanding my run when we have better weather and they have things to climb on and play with but only in the run not in the coop.
PLEASE help.. Also what can I put on her head and hiney? There's no blood but it looks like her tail feathers are starting to look a little haggard and I saw a bare spot on her tail feathers that had a blood spot.


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First of all ... Check for mites/lice on all then hens, expecially the ones that are "balding". At night when it's totally dark, go in the coop & run your hands along the roost ... Feel anything crawling? In the nest box, stick your hand under the bedding to the bottom, feel anything crawling?, cover

Second ... Math wise you've got "plenty" of room; I calculated 24 hens (coop 4sq ft per/run 10sq ft per) but alot depends on the breeds/temperment and dynamics of the flock. Only you know your flock.

Third ... Pecking order; sounds like that's what's going on. Sounds like your Brown Comet; assuming it's Blanche; is at the bottom of the pecking order in your flock. I have 4 hens, whenever I handle any when I put each down the WTG will go after each ... She's the alfa and reminding them :rolleyes:

Fourth ... IF there is a "bully" in the flock (and not pecking order issue) you put the "bully" in the crate away from the flock for a few days. The opposite of introducing/reintroducing new chickens to the flock. Or just rehome the bully or the one that's getting picked on.

There is a product, visit your TSC and as for something for feather pecking. Feather pecking can be bullying or the need for more protein. NuKote is good for the bare heads & rear ends, used to cover bald spot as well hiding "red". However, the main thing is to be sure the start of all this (bare & irritated bottoms) is NOT parasites.
I agree with @ChickNanny13 to first check for mites or lice or something similar. Cranky hens fight more.

Next, no more snacks for anyone. Lots of regular food, but nothing that has a limited supply. Scarce resources are a reason to fight.

Next, break the dynamic. I ended one mean girl with kindness. Whenever I saw her attack I scooped her up, pat her gently, walked around the garden with her. Showed her she was my special girl. She hung out with me until she calmed down. They fight each other because they are afraid of scarcity.

There is an expression (I will likely misquote) that even the water buffalo will look at each other crossley when the water level of the pond begins to recede.

When everyone is well resourced and feels secure in your love they will be nicer to each other.

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