2 and 3 week chicks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 26, 2012
Rimersburg, PA
About a week or two ago we have 8 baby chicks. 2 Bared Rocks and 6 Buff Orphingtons. Everyone seems healthy and I've been feeding them meal worms about once a day from hand so they get use to me. Most of them love the treats but both rocks and one orph seem to not care one way or the other. While the other chicks are tripping over each other to get snacks they stand calmly off to the side doing there own thing (Eating out of the food bowl or just watching the show) Should I worry about them? Does this mean I have 5 male and 3 female? They seem to be healthy just a little mellower than the others. Opinions please =)

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