2 and half month old golden chicken with so much flu ???


In the Brooder
Jul 10, 2016
Karachi ,Pakistan
hello how can i help her.the day i bought her was 1 or 2week old chick,later suffered with 1 eye blindness with swelling of tissues above her eye.she could see food i feed her for 1 week giving her millet and mangoes in paste form.and she recovered started jumping all around my home and during this she lost her 5 baby chicken friends and was very lonley used to sleep with me.i bought her 3 white baby chickns she quickly made them best friend.they also left her 1by1.all died.now again she is feeling lonely and ill.i bought her4 chicks,she doesnt like them and pecked them all so i have to keep her in separat coop. she looks fine now but nose always runs with high flu and her dropings are transparent liquid.the three chicks i talked about died by chronic respiratory desease i tried my best to save them but couldnt.Now i am afraid she may be suffering from the same deseas and show more symtoms later .please help what should i do now? and in 2to3 days going to buy her 6to 7 new baby chicks.thanks in advance...
I would suggest not buying ANY new chicks until you have this figured out. You need to concentrate on what's sickening and killing your birds and get them medicated appropriately.
In the liquid droppings, do you see any blood or parasites?
Does she sneeze a lot? Cough? Is the nasal drainage clear or colored?
ok i wont buy new chicks.nasal discharge is clear but some times she sneezes with no cough.in previous days there was weather was arround 39-44 C so i used to keep my chickens some time in air condition and now temperature is around 30 and its moonsoon rainy season.what precautions should i do for them now
Welcome to BYC.

It sounds like they have a respiratory disease.
Depending on which one sometimes antibiotic treatment will help with any secondary infections, but will not "cure".
If you have any chicks that are healthy and showing no symptoms, I would separate them from the sick ones.

Keep the sick ones warm, feed chick starter if you can get it, give fresh water and if you have them some poultry vitamins/electrolytes.

Almost all respiratory illnesses are contagious and birds even when symptom free are considered carriers for life.
If you services available I recommend that you send a bird for necropsy so you can get an idea of which disease you are dealing with.


actually there is no proper vet around my area.ihad t o treat them on my own .i read about many respiratory diseases there are many similar symptoms of chicken respiratory diseases,one of my chick i gave a medicine of viral respiratory new castle desease and after 2 days it died.i was confused between the viral and bacterial disease both have similar symtoms so i had to any 1's medicine.Please tell me 1 thing is this medicine ok isit a antibiotic i found it on a web I am looking forward to buy it.

actually there is no proper vet around my area.ihad t o treat them on my own .i read about many respiratory diseases there are many similar symptoms of chicken respiratory diseases,one of my chick i gave a medicine of viral respiratory new castle desease and after 2 days it died.i was confused between the viral and bacterial disease both have similar symtoms so i had to any 1's medicine.Please tell me 1 thing is this medicine ok isit a antibiotic i found it on a web I am looking forward to buy it.
That is an antibiotic.

The link to common poultry diseases I have provided you, if you will look at it gives a good overview of Respiratory Diseases, Viral Diseases and Non-Respiratory Bacterial Diseases. It is a long list, but gives information on symptoms, how it is transmitted, treatment (if any) and prevention. There is a symptoms comparison chart at the end.


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