2 chicks down & I’m worried about the rest! Help!


May 22, 2020
Austin, TX
Yesterday, we received 6 baby chicks from Meyer hatchery. Yesterday afternoon I noticed one of the chicks acting very lethargic. I made sure she was getting water and hand fed her some growgel and yolk. She resisted everything. She wasn’t able to stand up on her own. Then, she started cheeping loudly like she was unhappy. Not long after, she threw her head back and died. My son was so heartbroken as it was his favorite!
Today, the same thing started happening with another chick. So I added nutridrench to their water and made sure she was in a warm spot. She just passed away in the exact same way. The inability to walk, then cheeping loudly, then death.
PLEASE HELP! What is going on with my chicks?
I'm so sorry. I am at a loss as to why. Were they maybe too warm? Did you receive any help from Meyer Hatchery?

I read the temp several times and it would fluctuate between 90-97. I know 90 is on the low side. Would that be enough to have done that much damage?
Meyer gave me a credit for the first one. I have not reported the 2nd death though.
I just woke up to a 3rd dead chick and now a 4th is acting the same way the other 3 were. All the same symptoms and behaviors. I am calling Meyer now, but any advice is appreciated!
Not sure what to make of this either. Sometimes the stress of shipping is just too much for the little birds. The first 48 hours after you get them is the most critical time. All you can do is the best you can do and it sounds like that’s what you’re doing. Hopefully you won’t lose any more.😊

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