2 chicks left, 1 left, can i change from medicated chick crumb?


6 Years
Sep 20, 2017
i had a broody hatch out 3 chicks. 2 have died from what i think is brooder pneumonia. i have ordered some new bedding and this arrived tomorrow. but i also want to change the feed. i'm currently using medicated feed and all other medicated feed for chicks is out of stock. can i buy non medicated and switch her onto that. this chick is 6 days old. this was the last one to hatch so im trying to prevent her from dying. she does sneeze but apart from that is fine.
the other 2 that died wouldn't eat, have extreme thirst and stopped being so active and would silently gasp for breath.
i have smelt and looked at both the food and the bedding. i cannot smell or see anything wrong with it but i want to get rid as its one of the 2 that have caused this. (i think)
any advice would be greatly appreciated
Hey there I do not use medicated feed prefer to not have it on board so if I have to give it later more efective JMHO
i had a broody hatch out 3 chicks. 2 have died from what i think is brooder pneumonia. i have ordered some new bedding and this arrived tomorrow. but i also want to change the feed. i'm currently using medicated feed and all other medicated feed for chicks is out of stock. can i buy non medicated and switch her onto that. this chick is 6 days old. this was the last one to hatch so im trying to prevent her from dying. she does sneeze but apart from that is fine.
the other 2 that died wouldn't eat, have extreme thirst and stopped being so active and would silently gasp for breath.
i have smelt and looked at both the food and the bedding. i cannot smell or see anything wrong with it but i want to get rid as its one of the 2 that have caused this. (i think)
any advice would be greatly appreciated
I'm sorry to hear about your chicks. If I may ask, what type of brooder set up do you have and what type of bedding? Is it possible the chicks were too hot and unable to get away from the heat?

Medicated or non medicated chick starter can be appropriate as a diet for your chick, especially if your usual type of food is sold out. Medicated food will mean it contains an anticoccidial drug in the feed so the chicks don't succumb to coccidiosis. Your chick is quite young to have coccidiosis be an issue yet. Here is some information on coccidiosis.

I'm sorry to hear about your chicks. If I may ask, what type of brooder set up do you have and what type of bedding? Is it possible the chicks were too hot and unable to get away from the heat?

Medicated or non medicated chick starter can be appropriate as a diet for your chick, especially if your usual type of food is sold out. Medicated food will mean it contains an anticoccidial drug in the feed so the chicks don't succumb to coccidiosis. Your chick is quite young to have coccidiosis be an issue yet. Here is some information on coccidiosis.


i have them in with a broody hen. they are in a rabbit hutch (i have a run that they normally have access to after 1-2 weeks). i am using bedding brand called excel which is wheat straw and softwood shaving it is in a lemon scent. i have always used this and never had a problem, however i normally go to the farm shop to get it but because the corona have had to order it from amazon. i use this in all the coops and normally have no problems.
they are currently eating medicated feed and have been for 1 week now. is it ok to switch them of this feed and onto non medicated or will that mess them up? i read online that there is a withdrawal from the medicated feed.
i had a broody hatch out 3 chicks. 2 have died from what i think is brooder pneumonia. i have ordered some new bedding and this arrived tomorrow. but i also want to change the feed. i'm currently using medicated feed and all other medicated feed for chicks is out of stock. can i buy non medicated and switch her onto that. this chick is 6 days old. this was the last one to hatch so im trying to prevent her from dying. she does sneeze but apart from that is fine.
the other 2 that died wouldn't eat, have extreme thirst and stopped being so active and would silently gasp for breath.
i have smelt and looked at both the food and the bedding. i cannot smell or see anything wrong with it but i want to get rid as its one of the 2 that have caused this. (i think)
any advice would be greatly appreciated
Yes as long as its starter feed it should be fine
i have them in with a broody hen. they are in a rabbit hutch (i have a run that they normally have access to after 1-2 weeks). i am using bedding brand called excel which is wheat straw and softwood shaving it is in a lemon scent. i have always used this and never had a problem, however i normally go to the farm shop to get it but because the corona have had to order it from amazon. i use this in all the coops and normally have no problems.
they are currently eating medicated feed and have been for 1 week now. is it ok to switch them of this feed and onto non medicated or will that mess them up? i read online that there is a withdrawal from the medicated feed.
As the previous poster replied, it is ok to change feed as long as it's starter feed. Changing feed is best done gradually to allow the gut microbes to adjust...but if a person is going to run out of feed, that person doesn't have much choice.

Did you provide a different feed for them? How are the remaining chicks?
As the previous poster replied, it is ok to change feed as long as it's starter feed. Changing feed is best done gradually to allow the gut microbes to adjust...but if a person is going to run out of feed, that person doesn't have much choice.

Did you provide a different feed for them? How are the remaining chicks?

i didn't end up changing the feed and the last remaining chick is doing fine. i'm not sure what the problem was with the other 2 chicks.

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