2 Cockerels, not mating with hens/pullets..?


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
We have 2 Bantam Polish cockerels. One is a Gold Laced while the other is a White Crested Black(Late bloomer).
They're both 20 weeks old.
Everyone free ranges during the afternoon to dusk and then get locked up for the night.
Their free range is supervised by me and sometimes by our 7yr old male dog Mooshu(I've been working on our 1yr old female dog and 18wk old female puppy to keep watch as well)
In the morning, everyone is locked up in their coop run until 12pm and then get let out.

I already know 2 of the older hens will not allow the cockerels near them but the rest of the older hens have become more docile around them.

Is there a reason our cockerels haven't tried to mount the hens/pullets?
Will they breed them in spring?
You'll get to, it will just take a bit longer.
It seems Polish boys are either very reserved and slow or overly dirty birds when they're young no happy medium.
Given a choice, slow boys all day long so much less trouble for everybody.:)
Well, they have a Polish pullet they grew up with but they haven't tried to mount her either. I was looking forward to them breeding the girls so I could hatch out our own chicks.
You'll get to, it will just take a bit longer.
It seems Polish boys are either very reserved and slow or overly dirty birds when they're young no happy medium.
Given a choice, slow boys all day long so much less trouble for everybody.:)
At least they don't crow right now :lol: So that's something that won't cause trouble.

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