2 fart eggs, 1 rubber egg, 2 year old hen....what is going on?


10 Years
Nov 9, 2009
Hawthorne, CA
My 2 year old EE, Sugar, has laid two fart eggs and now today one rubber/shell-less egg. Last week she had a waxy poop smear off her vent and I gave her ACV in her water, probiotics and careful watching. It appears to be a one off occurance but the egg issue is really bothering me.
She has never laid fart eggs before, no rubber eggs before....her egg shells have always been hard and perfect. The fart eggs started exactly one month ago and I am at a loss. She has free choice oyster shell, gets plenty of kale and a good amount of Greek nonfat yogurt or buttermilk on a farily regular basis.

She has been laying regularly, in fact, at least 5 times a week.

I'm tempted to take her to the vet for an xray to check if she is laying internally. She is heavier but is not panting, not standing/waddling like a penguin. She seems to be normal except for the egg thing.

My 2 year old EE, Sugar, has laid two fart eggs and now today one rubber/shell-less egg. Last week she had a waxy poop smear off her vent and I gave her ACV in her water, probiotics and careful watching. It appears to be a one off occurance but the egg issue is really bothering me.
She has never laid fart eggs before, no rubber eggs before....her egg shells have always been hard and perfect. The fart eggs started exactly one month ago and I am at a loss. She has free choice oyster shell, gets plenty of kale and a good amount of Greek nonfat yogurt or buttermilk on a farily regular basis.

She has been laying regularly, in fact, at least 5 times a week.

I'm tempted to take her to the vet for an xray to check if she is laying internally. She is heavier but is not panting, not standing/waddling like a penguin. She seems to be normal except for the egg thing.

Just feed her regular layer feed ONLY. Too much kale can cause avian goiter, continue with the oyster shell as free choice and ACV in water only. Give it some time to see if the change in diet works.
Thank you so much Dawg53! I restricted her feeding to ONLY feed and added ACV to their water. I've always like using ACV but thought I was agrivating her GI tract and that is the last thing she needed. She stopped laying fart eggs and her backside no longer smelly or slick grease pen looking. I have learned that treats are great in very limited moderation and ONLY after they've eaten their feed. Kale and other brassica (?) veggies are no longer fed everyday....once a week max and in tiny amounts!

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