2 hens eggbound same time


10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Argos, IN
They were all fine this morning but now I have two chickens walking upright like ducks. I have read and think they are eggbound, but really? Two in one after noon? At first I thought maybe they had eaten something bad but then of course all you smart people on here have already posted when people say their chickens are walking like ducks or penguins. The area seems hard so I'm guessing that is what it is but I just cant believe after not having any problem in 3 years that all of a sudden two in one day. Is there anything else it could be? I'm going to let them rest in the coop tonight because they are eating and drinking and its night night time. I'll check in the morning and if they are still having issues I will put them in my chick area and leave it dark with some food and water plus soak them and see what happens. I got olive oil on hand also so I will keep it close. HOpefully a good nights rest in the coop will pop them out. Poor girls.
Well no eggs as of this morning. I soaked them and lubed them up inside. They are resting together in my chick area. Thanks so much for the suggestion of youtube. You'd think I'd go there second but it didnt even cross my mind!
This would probably get better response if it was in the emergencies section.I lost a girl to this. You lubed the egg inside her is this correct . Are they real lethargic & have poopy butts Mine had fever & was giving antibiotics. It is hard to believe that you have two girls that are egg bound at the same time. But guess nothing is impossible. It could take a few days before she passes the egg. If she does pass the egg keep an eye on her because there's a chance it will happen again. That's what happened to mine but the egg broke inside her & she got fever & was in a lot of pain so I put her down. I was told from an avian vet that sometimes this happens it can continue to happen & the chicken will lead a painful life. I wish you & your chickens for the best.
Well I hope it all passes well and that this isn't an emergency. There is not much I can do at this point. I soaked them in the sink for half hour. One didnt seem very relaxed. The other fell asleep. When I felt inside I didnt feel the egg it was more like skin with an egg up above. The sink proved to produce rather large poop lol but no egg. I will keep an eye on them today and if nothing again I'll lube again and see if it feels any different. They are still walking like ducks but are resting a lot. They are eating normally and drinking water but just dont want to walk around. I can imagine. It must hurt. Maybe this is an internal lay thing? I dont know. I thought it odd it would happen to two at once also. They are both two years old so if I need to cull I will. I am not lacking hens by any means.
Sorry they are going thru this, I know it's a hard thing to manage, sounds like you are doing really good with them! :)
Well last night I found two eggs in with them so that was great! The one hen seems to be normal but the other one still is not. She is still walking like a duck. I felt again inside and there is no egg so I will just leave them together for a few days and keep checking. The great part is they lay different colored eggs so I know exactly who is laying.

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