2 legged pest!


Apr 26, 2015
Northern California
I came home today to find my chicken coop wide open! Which normally wouldnt be a problem but

there was no one to supervise the safety of my 9 week chicks i ran to the coop as soon as i noticed the door but by the time i was home i was already to late i lost one of my three chicks my OEG (my fav but dont tell the polish chicks) i was so devistated! This chick was so friendly would follow me all over the property loved riding on my shoulder as i gardened she was the most precious bird ive ever met! I cried for almost 5 hours straight! Has anyone lost a chick/chicken to unfortunate circumstances? I will now be locking all of my gates and also be putting a padlock on the coop door (right now i have an eye and hook setup with an extra spring clip to keep it secured) hopefully it will get easier but i miss my little mamba so much!
I'm sorry to hear you lost your little Mamba. She was a pretty girl, it must have been a joy to have her be so attached to you.

Two-legged predators are the worst; they aren't compelled by nature to take birds, like a fox or hawk. Locking everything down will hopefully keep future incidents from happening.

Do you have any idea who must have done this? I know it's too late this time, but maybe a camera trained on your coop would be helpful in case they come back.

Again, I'm sorry for your loss.
My best guess is the fact i live in town i have my acre fenced off but the rest of my neighbors have lots of children and no fences so im assuming maybe one of the neighbor kids wanted to see them when i wasnt home? They have seen the free range the yard and they are always interested aaking lots of questions about the chicken and without me home and i left my dogs inside(my chicken protectors) i think after the coop was open and left open a neighborhood dog got it it wasnt to eat mamba the just played with her til she stooped moving! She had a broken neck and holes on her syomach! :,( so sad!wish my heeler was out he doesnt let anythng or anyone in or out of the yard.

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